The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

WILKES-BARRE RECORD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1941 Fifteen NANTIco*kE No PHONE Toll Charge 2-2121 ALDEN- SHEATOWN- WEST NANTIco*kE GLEN LYON- -HANOVER- Investigation Continued by Police City police reported last night that the dynamite explosion in the yard of Kafczineki, rear of 15 East Grand Street, Saturday, has not been cleared and that the investigation will be continued. Horses from a riding academy, East Field Street, roamed over part of Nantico*ke Cemetery Saturday and caused damage to a number of graves. Police were, notified and owner of the horses was informed unless the animale are kept under control arrest will follow. NANTIco*kE NOTES Robertson, 57, RD 1. Hunlock Creek, was admitted to Nantico*ke Hospital yesterday for treatment' of his foot which was injured while at work as a miner in No.

Colliery, Susquehanna Collieries Company, Lester Ichter, former postoffice employe, now stationed with 109th Field Artillery at Indiantown Gap, has been promoted to captain. All barbers of Nantico*ke will meet Wednesday night at 8 in Stairs Barber Shop. Members of Nantico*ke Lodge, 100F, will give a party tonight in honor of Joseph Kelly who will leave soon les train under selective service in United States Army. Mrs. A.

Waller, 3 North Market Street, is spending a week with her son Lewis, senior medical student at Duke University. Mrs. Frank Domaleski, 31 Broadway, is in Coudersport where visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Domaleski.

John A. Yarasheski and Richard Fox, employee Retreat, are spending their vacation at Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. John Siergiej are entertaining their daughter, Miss Helen Sierglej, student nurse, at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn.

Plains Senior and High School CE units of Hudson PM Church will meet tonight at 7:30 in the church social rooms. Francis Pearson of East Charles was removed to his home Street, from Homeopathic Hospital where he had an appendectomy. Classes for adult education and naturalization assistance under the WPA educational program will be resumed tonight in. Memorial High School at 6. Neil D.

Manning will have charge of the classes, which will be held on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Mr. Manning was reassigned to the post of recreation leader recently. Senior CE Society of Plains Church will meet tonight at 7:30 in the church social Presbyterian rooms. Dr.

Davies Bible Class of Miner Congregational Church will hold its annual outing on Wednesday, August 27, at Moyer's Grove, near Hobbie. Mrs. Belle Sweeney of Perkins Street is visiting her daughter in Red Bank, N. J. Miss Ruth Duddy, an instructor at the Little Flower Camp, Tobybanna, has returned after spending the week end with her parents on North Main Street.

Mias Nell Gregonis, who is emafter ployed in several days at has the family Washington, returned home on Elizabeth Street. William McFadden and family of Street have moved to Perkins Newark. Misses Marie and Sadie Morris of Brader Street spent the week end with relatives in Bloomfield, N. J. Members of Truscott Missionary Society and CE Society of Hudson PM Church held a campfire consecration service last night at Hudson Park.

Mrs. Alban G. Tippins the speaker. Refreshments was were served. Mrs.

Ruth Kosher of Stanton Street was removed to her home Sunday from Hospital where recently underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tippins and family of Nantico*ke spent Saturday with the former's brother Mrs. and sister-in-law, Rev.

and Alban G. Tippins of Cotton Avenue. West Pittston James Williams, Maple Street, has returned after a week at Camp St. Andrew. Ruth S.

Thomas, Warren Street, has returned from New York. Miss Hannah Drury, Delaware Avenue, is touring New England. Mr. and Mrs. James B.

Hughes, Elizabeth, N. spent Saturday with friends here. Miss Isabel Weeks, East Orange, is spending her vacation at N. her home on Philadelphia Avenue. Race Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Tench, Street, spent Sunday in son Lynn. Mrs. Street, are visiting in Prentice Stillman, Paul, Washington Cuba, N. and Mrs.

F. M. Eshelman moved from Luzerne Avenue Mr. have to their residence, 209 Wyoming Avenue. Mr.

and Mrs. James Law, have moved into the Thompson apartments, Susquehanna Hartman, Avenue. MontMiss Lucille Avenue, is touring New gomery England with Mr. and Mrs. Trucksville.

Thomas Carle and Homer Carl, NOTE OF The Family of The Late MARIE WALKOWIAK Wish to thank all who assisted them in their bereavement, also those who sent flowers and donated automobiles. ADAM YANKOSKI The Family of the Late STANLEY STORTZ of Nantico*ke, wish to thank all Jackson Township, formerly who assisted them in their bereavement, also those who sent flowers and 'donated automobiles. SERVICE NOTE OF THANKS The family of the late DR. 1 MARGARET GRIFFITH Express their sincere gratitude to all who aided them. in their bereavement, also those who sent flowers and donated cars.

FOR RENT furnished and unfurnished, tow 88 $20 a month. Electric refrigerator. Janitor and incinerator serv. Ice. CHALLENGER APTS.

NANTIco*kE Phone 882-J or 180-J PITTSTON No PHONE Toll 2-2121 Charge WEST PITTSTON- -LAFLIN- AVOCA WYOMING -DUPONT-MOOSIC-YATESVILLE Reservations Sought For Anthracite Tour Peter A. Garrity, Pittston chairman in charge of reservations for the fifth annual Anthracite GoodWill Tour, urges those who are planning to accompany the tour when it leaves on Saturday, August 16, to to place their reservatione promptly insure proper handling. Mr. Garrity stated that first-class accommodations will be provided on all trains and on the stearer which will carry the tour members on a trip through the 1000 Islands and down the St. Lawrence to Montreal, but that prompt attention to filing of reservations will materially assist those in charge of the tour.

number of local coal companies will send representatives and Mr. Garrity and members of his committee are attempting to secure a representative from each operator in the Anthracite business around Pittston to represent their interests on the coal selling tour. The special train leaves WilkesBarre on Saturday, August 16, at 3 p. goes to Rochester, where the steamer is taken for the :0100 Islands and Montreal. A stop is made in Montreal, featuring a reception by the Mayor and a large luncheon at the Mount Royal Hotel, where the group will play host to Canadian coal dealers and businessmen from that city as well as Albany, Troy, Cohoes, and other nearby cities, and visit the General Electric plant, Leaving Schenectady, the tour will arrive home Tuesday night.

Among those from Pittston planning to go are Peter A. Garrity, Attorney Carl J. Burke, Attorney Thomas F. Burke, Harry J. Ryan, Dr.

Charles Chiampi, A. C. Kizie, James Canfield, Douglas Green, Jacob Silverblatt and number of others. It is expected that at least 304 Pittstonians will make the trip. REBEKAHS PLAN PARTY Thalia Rebekah Lodge will have a garden party on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Charlotte Shives, 614 Montgomery, Avenue, West Pittston, at which a large attendance of members and their friends is expected Cards will be played with a prize for each table and refreshments will be served. LUTHERANS TO PICNIC Annual picnic of Sunday School of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will be held today at Sans Souci Park. Program of entertainmnt and athletic contests has been arranged. There will be special prizes for the oldest persons and the largest family.

Busses will leave the church 9:30 etops will be made at Mill Street, Pittston. ROTARY TO MEET Bishop John Gowdy, who has returned to West Pittston with his wife after serving the Methodist Church in educational and religious work in China for many years, will speak at the weekly meeting of Pittston Rotary Club on Wednesday at 12:15 at Pittston YMCA. He is former preeident of Foochow University and will relate conditions in China of the present. President Joseph T. Jennings and Secretary William H.

Dendie of the focal club are attending the annual district assembly of Rotary Club officers of District 177 being held at Williamsport. ARRIVALS LITERACY CLASSES ARRIVALS A daughter was born on July 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baranoueky, Flushing, L. Mrs.

Baranoueky is the former Dorothy Walkavage. LITERACY CLASSES Literacy and citizenship clasees under WPA Educational Program are being held at Phillip Sheridan School in Browntown on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 to 9 and at Garfield School, this city, on Tuesday and Thureday from 1 to 4:30 Miss Mildred Damiani is instructor. Avoca Council Takes Steps To Regulate Mining Avoca Council last night took definite steps toward regulation of mining within borough limits by appointment of a mine commission. Appointed were Borough Engineer John Reilly, George Sammon and James In appointing commission council emphasized the importance of its duties among which are the power to demand maps of mine workings every three months and the right to inspect mine operations when advisable for protection of surface and property. Specific instructions given commission memberg to inspect underground workings of Heidelberg Coal Company at its earliest opportunity.

Report of Auditors Francis Clifford, Anthony Clifford and Francis Quinn was accepted and each was ordered paid $100 for services. BOARD FIXES CALENDAR Avoca Borough schools will open for the new term on September 2, according to the 1941-42 school calendar presented last night at the monthly meeting of Avoca School Board by Supervising Principal Charles' Webber. The calendar profor the usual holidays and recesses. Receipt of $1,300 in delinquent tax returns from county commiseioners was reported and report of Tax Collector Charles Lampman was approved. Bids for school and janitors' supplies, coal and the hauling of ashes will be opened at a special meeting to be held next Monday night.

Moral: Don't Play In Unlocked Safes Louisville, (AP)-Dale Nathan, 7, and hie sister, Barbara, 5, were playing in the store of their father, Al Nathan. Dale crawled into a emall safe and Barbara elammed the door. Because he had not lecked the safe for more than a year, Nathan was unable to remember the combination. But he sent for a safe expert and the latter swung open the door 45 minutes later to reveal a grinning, perspiring Dale. At that moment, Nathan clapped a hand to his forhead: "I just remembeer the combination," he moaned.

father and mother-in-law of Dr. C. E. Bagley, leave from Wilkes-Barre today for Mexico City. Dr.

Rumbaugh will receive his International Fellowship from American College of Surgeons. PLYMOUTH No PHONE Toll 2-2121 Charge -EAST PLYMOUTH BRESLAU River Street Sewer Approved by Council Plymouth Borough Council quickly transacted monthly business at a meeting held yesterday afternoon. Michael Petro was named guard to direct traffic at Main and Turner Streets in the interest of persons attending the Russian Church services. He serves without compensation and served as special officer last year under the same conditions. Council will build temporary sewer on a portion of River Street.

When the dike was built, part of the sewer system was torn up. The temporary system remain in place until the Government has completed dike operations and will then be replaced at Government expense. Wilkes-Barre Barre Railway Corporation will asked to remove a sand shanty on Carey Avenue bridge on the claim that this structure obstructs view of motorists from Beade Street. Bond of Tax Collector Michael J. Even for 1940 was released, and he was.

named delinquent tax collector for that year. He must furnish a $1,000 bond. Commission for collections is to be 5 per cent. Borough Secretary was directed to issue warrants to tax collector for new duplicates soon as they are ready for delivery. Collections from parking meters totaled $356 for July.

For Rent-806 West Main Street, rooms and bath, $20. E. Watkins. 7-6514. -adv.

AT THE SHAWNEE "Rage In Heaven," starring Robert Montgomery and Ingrid Bergman, is the feature presentation at the Shawnee Theater tonight only. Written by James Hilton, author of "Goodbye Mr. Chips" and "Lost this picture tells the story of a "Perfect CLASS TO PICNIC Ladies' Class of Christian Church will hold an outing Wednesday at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, Sweet Valley.

Busses will leave the church at 11. Apartment For Beade Street, $10. E. Watkins. 7-6514.

-adv. Georgetown NOTES AND PERSONALS Joseph Patackas of Detroit, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patackas 652 East Northampton Street, over the week end. Stanley Yarrish of 10 South Walnut Street is visiting Edmund Pawloski of Detroit.

Miss Helen Lyons of 32 Spruce Street, Miss Mary Conyngham of Street and Kathleen Charter of Welles Street have returned from trip to Rochester, Montreal, St. Ann's Shrine in Quebec, St. Joseph's Shrine in Montreal, and Thousand Islands. Andrew' Yarrish of Cochituate, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Yarrish of 10 South Walnut Street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobs of 807 East Northampton Street announce birth of a son during the past week. This is their first child.

Mrs. Jacobs is the former Miss Esther Moran, Instructor in home economics in the township high school. A farewell party was held for Mrs. Susan George on Thursday night by members of St. Joseph's choir.

Mrs. George and her family At party: Marion Kearney, will move, to Paterson, N. soon. Catherine Horan, Mrs. Hubert Alice Horan, Mae Nagle, Helen Troop, Florence Dudock, George Dotzel, Joseph Snee, John Freeman.

HAMENA-MICHALSKI Miss Jean Michalski of Elizabeth, N. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Michalski of 332 Centre Street, was married to Harry Hamena of Elizabeth, N. last week.

The ceremony was performed in SS. Peter and Church, Michalski was Elizabeth. her sister's Miss maiden honor and Joseph Hamena was his brother's best man. Before both were employed by the Singer Sewing Company of Elizabeth, they resided in WilkesBarre Township. They will continue to reside in Elizabeth.

Exeter Council is scheduled to meet in regular session tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zelinsky, daughter Leona, Mrs. Jennie Sabatelli, two sons, Joseph and Jackie, where they visited Mr.

snd have returned from Willimantic, Mrs. Alex Zelinsky and Joseph Sabatelli. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sincavage and son Joseph have returned after visiting Dickson City friends.

Mrs. Veronica Mack, William Bellus and Mary Bellus have returned from Hershey and Harrisburg. They accompanied John Mack to Hershey Industrial School where he is a student. Miss Genevieve Pepe, Wyoming Avenue, is in Atlantic City. Dupont Dupont Council last night heard reports of officers and transacted other routine business, including plans to blacktop Lincoln Street and Wyoming Avenue.

Resolutions covering these improvements are being drawn up. Swoyerville Prefect -of Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of St. Mary's Church announces that all members meet Wednesday morning at 9 in the church basem*nt to attend the funeral of Theresa Galletti. All are to wear white Mrs. Peter Simpson Street, Dolores, daughter, of Mr.

and is vacationing with an aunt in Atlantic and Newark. Anthony Yankoviak, member of the U. S. Marines, is spending a 10-day furlough with his parents in the Dicksville section. No.

1 Fire Department of Swoyerville will hold a clambake in Rutkowski's Hall the latter part of this month. ROOSEVELT Swoyerville Tonight and 9 "MODEL WIFE" with Joan Blondell and Diek Powell Comedy Sport Novelty News Air Cooled New Airfoam Seats KINGSTON No PHONE Toll Charge 2-2121 WEST SIDE FORTY FORT COURTDALE- PRINGLE Hospital Admits Two Men Injured in Mines Nicholas Sura, 88, of 128 Anderson Street, Wilkes-Barre Township, footman Wanamie Colliery, Glen Alden Company, was struck by an empty trip of cars yesterday morning. He suffered injuries of the right leg. He is at Nantico*ke General Hospital. Thomas Davis, 359 East Noble Street, electrician at No.

5 Colliery, Susquehanna Collieries Company, was thrown from a car while at work yesterday and suffered laceration of the face and forehead. He Hospitemoved to Nantico*ke State Experienced girl over .20 for general housework. 105 South Hanover. -adv. GETS NEW JOB Charles Schisler, formerly of 183 Green Street, and now residing at 4535 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, has been named assistant superintendent of Atlantic Manufacturing Compapy, Philadelphia.

Before leaving this section, Mr. Schisler worked as a machinist for Susquehanna Collieries Company. He took over his new duties yesterday. Ashley Mise Jean Ichter, nurse at. the governor's mansion Harrisburg, and a former local resident, le a patient at the General Hospital following an operation performed a week ago, Last night Miss Ichter was reported as slightly improved.

Donald Koone of North Main Main Street has returned after a month at YMCA camp at Blakeelee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dally epent. Sunday and Their Mrs.

Harry Dugan at North Lake, daughter Gloria, who has been there the past few weeks, returned home with them. George and Miss Mary Kotalik of Wyoming Street spent the week end at Linden N. J. Mrs. William Dunlop, Dirk Dunlop of Ridge Street and Mrs.

Agnes Freeman of Plymouth are visiting the former'e brother, Thomas Davie in Cleveland. William Keller, who is employed in New Jersey spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller. Mr.

and Mrs. Donald L. Edwards of Ashley Street have received word that their son Donald has arrived Honolulu, He is member of the coat artillery and until several weeke ago 'had been etationed at Fort Eustis, Va. Mrs. James McKillen, son Ross and daughters Margaret and Faith were week end guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Evan Moore at Berwick. Mrs. Sarah McGilpin of Timpeon Street ie spending a week at Dallas. Doris Phillipe has returned after a week Harvey's Lake.

Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Hangen of North Main Street have returned from Atlantic Miss Winnie Williams has returned from Buffalo where she spent two weeke.

Mrs. Thomas Coyle has returned to New York after vielting parents, Mr. and Mre. E. J.

Willman. Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Freas of Allentown spent Sunday with local relatives. They were accompanied home by his parents, Mr.

and Mre. C. Bruce Freas, who will be their guest for this week. Attorney and Mrs. M.

F. McDonald and eon Jceeph of Brown Street are spending the month of August in Atlantic City. Sarah Gardner of Ashley Street is in Atlantic City. Thomas Lake Philadelphia is spending the week with hie aunt. Mrs.

Margaret Shannon, Vine Street. Miss Eleanor Jane Williams and Mise Kay Cunningham, Brown Street, are in Washington. East Orange, Mrs. Byron Camp and Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Edward Thomas of children, Ruth Ann and Carolyn, of Baltimore have gone to Phoenix, to visit their mother, Annie Stivers, who is ill. Mrs. Stivers WAS an Ashley resident until six years ago when she left to live with her sister, Mrs. Florence Davis. Vincent Nevulis of South Main Street is home from Rumbaugh Clinic where he had an operation.

Mr. and Mrs. James Erwine have returned to Spring Valley after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D.

Horlacher, South Main Street. Mrs. Peter Shortz of South Main Street patient at General Hospitalice Horlacher of Harrisburg spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horlacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert O'Connell and sons, Bobby and Bert, of Lansdowne were week end guests of Mrs. Elmer Wenner. School board will meet Thursday night at 8 at the high school.

Kenneth and David Johnson have returned after a camping trip at Harvey's Lake. Franklin Gracey, member of CCC camp at Glen Rock, spent the week end at his home on Timpson Street. Ernest Albee has returned from Harvey's Lake. and Mrs. D.

V. of Burlington, are guests of local relatives. Tunkhannock ek Miss Mae Weiss, teacher, and the class of which Barbara Ridgway is a member gave her a party recently as she is planning on moving to New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bailey and children have returned after visiting relatives in Ohio. Mrs. Wesley Lewis is the guest of her sister in Binghamton this week. Mrs. Cyrus Stark of Lebanon is visiting Mrs.

Rose West and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson this week.

Mrs. O. E. Day and daughter of of Dr. and Mrs.

Smith. Philadelphia were week end guests Slocum Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Calkins, of Stroudsburg visited her mother, Mrs.

Fannie Kellogg, and her grandmother, Mrs. M. K. Borden, on Sunday. Miss Edna Keithline who has been visiting in California is expected home about the middle of the month.

Miss Marjorie Hanton who has been spending a month's vacation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. B. R. Hanton, has returned to.

her mission in Barrie, Vt. She was accompanied by her father and sister Vera. Vera will remain there a week. Mrs. B.

K. Lyman, Mrs. Sarah Decker and Mrs. M. L.

Jennings are attending Dimock Camp Meeting. Dr. and Mra. M. C.

Rumbaugh, Joint Sunday School Picnic to Be Sunday Arrangements have been completed for the annual union Sunday School picnic of Luzerne Avenue Baptiet Church, Weet Pittaton, and First Baptist. Church, Pittston, to be held on Sunday at Sans Souci Park. Busses will leave from Firet Baptist Church, Water Street and from Luzerne Avenue Church on that morning at 9. Reservations for transportation should be made by Wedneeday night. ASH COLLECTION ASH COLLECTION Officials of Pittston City Street Department announce the ash collection on Wednesday will be made early in the morning eo employes can complete their work and after attend an outing.

TO WED TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cordora, Corner Street, Dunmore, announce the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Cordora, and Thomas Giambra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giambra, Eat Frothingham Street, thie city.

A fall wedding is planned. Mr. Giambra is employed by Volpe Coal Company. FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Walter, 508 Luzerne Avenue. -adv.

PITTSTON NOTES Miss Agnes Powers, 164 Broad Street, expects to leave this mornto spend two weeks at Cape Cod. Misses Mary and Geraldine Walsh, East Railroad Street, are at Miami Beach, Fla. Miss Mary Scott, Walsh Street, has returned from New York. Victor Nesky, formerly of 10 Webster Street, is visiting his parents after spending five years in the West. Mrs.

David James, Swallow Street, is visiting her son in Dearborn, Mich. Mrs. Emma Moyer, Ogden, Utah, the former Emma Pierce, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G.

Alexander, Butler Street. a with Priv. the Edward Air Baker, at Langley serving Field, is visiting at his home on Carroll Street. Mrs. Martin Flannery, Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Burns and daughter Helen, 14 Kennedy Street, are in Chicago. attache of the State Paul Kane, Broad Street, ment and Compensation Bureau here, expects leave for Atlantic City today. William Stonikinis, who is in government defense work at Waterbury, has returned after visiting at the family home, 34 Sand Street. Mrs.

Leonard Lucas, this city, Mre. Dominick Frabert, Albert Lackasavage and Francis Beckart. West Pittston, returned from Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs.

Rudolph Walther have returned to Meriden, after visiting her parents, and Mrs. John S. Jones, Swallow Street. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph A. Linskey, 56 Butler Street, and sons, Joseph, Eugene, Edward, Robert, left yesterday for Rochester, Buffalo, N. and Toronto, Canada. Joseph Cohan, son Mrs. Josephine Cohan and the late Attorney Joseph F.

Cohan, 11. Front Street, who is serving in the Army at Camp Edwards, is visiting his mother. Prizes for the largest, family at the annual outing Joseph's Society of St. Mary's Assumption Church on Sunday at Wisnewski's Park went to Mr. and Mrs.

man Balz, 73 Carroll Street. Wyoming Extension of Butler Street Sewer Ordered Extension of the Butler Street sewer to the lower end of Butler Street was ordered by Wyoming Council last night following of petition from residents of that section. Much of the meeting was given over to hearing complaints about accumulation of water on Dennison Street because that sewer does not carry it off. It was explained the trunk line is overtaxed when there is heavy rain, but council directed the secretary to write the WPA office to learn if there is money available for a storm sewer. Reckless driving on Wyoming Avenue was discussed and the painting of a white line down the middle of the street was approved as was resumption of a campaign against speeders.

Because the addition of policemen to the present department of two regular and one special policemen would bring the borough under the Police Civil Service Law, it was decided to wait for a legal opinion on the adding of mone men. Elizabeth Hislop, tax collector, was exonerated from the 1940 duplicate and wag named collector of delinquent taxes for 1940. Reports showed these balances: Water and light fund, $505; sinking, general, $126. Salaries were ordered paid, but held over for a special meetinere BOARD TO MAKE TOUR Board of Health at a meeting last night decided to make an investigation tour tonight to learn whether recent repairs to the Dennison Street sewer are satisfactory and to check complaints, among which are some concerning sewer conditions and accumulation of water on Monument Avenue. Warning was issued that property owners must cut weeds at once.

Ragweed shortly will bother hay fever sufferers. PERSONALS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turnow have received word from their son William that he has been aseigned to Cavalry Troop Squadron 4, at Fort Riley, Kan. Mrs.

William Metcalf and son George of Monument Avenue and Miss Vera Francis, student at Bucknell University, spent the week end at Snowshoe where Mr. Metcalf le working. Girl, general housework. 260 West Eighth, between 1-5. -adv.

WYOMING THEATER Tonight, 7 and's "Cheers for Miss Bishop" with MARTHA WM. SCOTT GARGAN 65 Youngsters Leave For Lions Club Camp Firet contingent of 65 boys yeeterday for Plymouth Lions diets camp on North Mountain, where they will spend two weeks. Included in the group are 32 boys of Sons of Legion unit. Shawnee Post, American Legion. Kenneth J.

Guest is camp director. In two another group will leave Swimming for campion at the camp is completed and will be opened for use today. NINE JOIN CHURCH Baptismal services were conducted at English Baptist Church Sunday morning, nine young people receiving the ritee and being. received into the church. Rev.

C. B. Snyder officiated, assisted by Raymond G. Powell, moderator and senior deacon, and William Pritchard, junior deacon. Church events for rest of week: tonight, 6:30, senior choir rehearsal; 8.

BYPU; Wednesday night, 6:30, junior choir rehearsal; 7:30, monthly trustee board meeting: 7:30, ice cream social in church parlors, sponsored by Ladies' Bible Class; Thursday, 7:30, midweek prayer service; Friday, 8, Ladies' Bible Class will meet with Mrs. Alex Jenkins, Downing Street. PLYMOUTH NOTES Sgt. Anthony Kertulis, with U. S.

Army at Fort Kamehomeha, A Hawaii, for past three years, is visiting his mother, Mre. Eva Chicitaie, 402 Beade, Street. First Reformed CE Society will meet at tonight in the church auditorium. Emil W. Teske is leader.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Phillipe, 22 Gardner Street, welcomed a daughter, Martha Jane, July 28. Capt.

Oscar S. Keller, West Main Street, on furlough from Indiantown Gap, where he is stationed with, 109th Field Artillery, spent last week with Mrs. Keller at Stonehuret Cabin, Harvey's Lake. 68 Nesbitt Street, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs.

Sheldon one Thomas, Matawan Beach, N. J. S. J. Masloweki, Larksville, rescued a youth from the same borough while swimming in Harvey's Lake recently.

Officers of Plymouth Camp 159, POA, will be installed in Jr. OUAM Hall tonight by Mrs. Bertha Cragle, newly appointed district preeident. Wiener roast planned for this evening by Men's Bible Class of First Primitive Methodist Church has been postponed. A son, Harry Edward, was born to Mr.

and Mrs. George F. Cooper, 39 Academy Street, July 18. Mrs. James Langdon and family, Church Street, are home after spending their vacation at Lake Carey.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pachinski, 50 McDonald Street, West Nantico*ke, welcomed a son August 1. Mother is the former Betty Korshella, Larkeville. Hanover Twp.

Seventh Ward Republican Women's Club, Lee Park, will hold a dinner and theater party Wednesday evening. Members are to meet at Lee Park Avenue and Oxford Streets at 5:30. Dinner will be served at Boston Candy Kitchen, Wilkes-Barre. Parsons Men's Bible Class and Builders' Bible Class of Parsone PM Church will have outing at the home of Edgar George at Idetown on Wednesday evening. Automobiles leave the church at 7.

Bible Readers' Class of the PM Church of which Mrs. Thomas W. Jones is teacher will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Myron Langdon, Scott Street, Wednesday evening. Edwardsville Grid Players Camp At Alden This Month Edwardsville football players for the first time in the history of the local high school will go to a camp to prepare for the approaching football season.

Through the efforts of the local athletic association the site was established at the farm of Rev. James E. Gryczka at Alden. The team will go to the farm for the last week of August. Michael Linse, the chairman of the athletic committee, and Benjamin J.

Davis, faculty advisor, have expressed appreciation for the cooperation of townspeople in responding generously in the project now under way. Football players are asked to attend a meeting in the high school next (Monday night at 7 at which reports will be received on the proj- ect. EDWARDSVILLE NOTES Andrew Balog, Plymouth Street, was among the record crowd attended Sunday's baseball games at Shibe Park, Philadelphia. Balog makes a specialty of attending with record crowds, having been at Yankee Stadium when its record was shattered and at Shibe Park when the record before Sunday's was set. Prayer services will be held tonight at 7:30 in Immanuel Baptist Church with Rev.

R. L. Smith in charge. CE meets tonight at 7 in First Welsh Presbyterian Church. Benjamin J.

Davis, Jackson Avenue, will leave this morning for a week in Atlantic City. Rev. Claude J. Kummerer will have charge of prayer services in Bethesda Congregational Church 7:30. Business meeting of Firemen's Drill Team will be held tonight at 7:30 in Town Hall.

Young Women's Missionary So. ciety of Edwards's Memorial Church will meet in the church tonight at 7:45. Mrs. Emma Ballion, Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Heidel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, son Ralph, daughters, Nancy and Joan, spent Sunday in Summit Hill. Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Knecht spent Sunday at Summit Hill. GRANDs. 1 and Edwardsville 9 P. M. DOUBLE FEATURE "BOWERY BOY" with Dennis 0'Keefe Louise Campbell Jimmy Lydon ALSO "MARKED MEN" Air Conditioned--Free Parking Floral Club to Make Preparation for Show West Side Floral Club will meet tonight at 8 in Wyoming Avenue Christian Church.

Program will consist of a reading by Miss Barbara VanHorn. Mrs. C. H. Frick, who recently returned after taking a short course in floral culture at Ambler College, will relate some of her experiences there.

An open discussion will take place on the best way to prepare and arrange flowers for, the coming flower show. Charles Coons will atrange mixed flowers. Members will judge the flowers. J. H.

CASE HONORED James H. Case, charter member of Kingeton Lodge, IOOF, and a guest at Odd Fellows' Home, Middletown, received a birthday cake Sunday from Edward Ellaworth, Albert E. Carr, E. C. Pearson and Harry E.

Blight, fellow lodge. members. Mr. Case will be 79 on Saturday, He has been a member of Kingston Lodge for 55 years. He served three.

terms as member of Kingston Council. Kingston Township ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunshine Club will meet today at 12:30 with Mrs. W. H. Morgan, Main Street, for a covered dish picnic luncheon.

Canteen course of the Red Cross tonight at 7 at Trucksville Methodist Church. HARVESTS LEMON CROP Mrs. Robert Steltz of Shaver Avenue, Shavertown, had the distinction of harvesting a lemon crop from her lemon trees last week. She picked four large sized lemons from two trees which are five feet tall. At present the trees are covered with fragrant blossoms.

Mrs. Steltz claims there is no trick to raising lemons. She has each tree planted in a large wooden tub, which she keeps in her cellar entry hall. In the winter, the tube are taken down cellar. TOWNSHIP NOTES Mr.

and Oscar Dymond and family of Main, Road, Shavertown, attended the Dymond family reunion at Fernbrook on Saturday. Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman of Shavertown has returned after visiting relatives at Noxen. Miss Eleanor Bartells, Miss Ethel Mae Bertram and Miss Shirley Swan are attending, the Sidney Epworth Institute thie week, representing the Shavertown Methodiet Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Morgan and family of Shavertown attended the Morgan family reunion at Sunbury on Sunday. Luther Hontz of Philadelphia spent the week end at the home of his parents in Shavertown. COOK WITH PERFECT GAS It's quick.

clean and economical. S. M. Ash, 77 East Dorrance Street, Kingston. Dial 7-6613.

-adv. Luzerne WPA classes in literacy and naturalization will be held at Luzerne High School on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights of each week from 5 to 9. All persons interested in preparing for naturaliaztion are invited to attend. Registration will be held this week on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Mrs.

Margaret Fanning 18 the leader. Children of the Methodist Church will meet Wednesday morning at 9 with Mrs. Traub in charge. Victoria Bible Class will meet Wedneswill be entertained by church, Anna day night at 8 in the and Taylor, Mrs. Samuel Pearn and Mrs.

Luella Carr. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. A surprise farewell party was held recently in honor of Mrs. Frank Vidgar and Miss Rose Osolnick, Bennett Street, who will leave shortly to live in Detroit. Mr.

and Mrs. James Brislin has returned after spending a brief vacation at Detroit. Chester Grabarek, North Street, is working with the Bendix Aviation Corporation in Philadelphia. Mr. Grabarek formerly was employed in the office of the Duplan Silk Corporation.

Luzerne Borough Council will meet tonight. Councilmen Nicholas Dukovich is ill. Dallas CAMP MEETING OPENS Free Methodist Camp Meeting opened Friday at the camp grounds. Four new cottages have been built on the grounds this year, which makes a total of 25. Rev.

A. K. Lindsley, district elder, is in charge. Chief evangelist is Rev. Elmer McKay of Greenville, Ill.

Ministers of local Free Methodist Churches who are participating are Rev. A. P. Reining, Rev. J.

D. Howard, Rev. T. M. Holcomb, Rev.

Marjorie Sweppenheiser, Rev. Esther Howard, Rev. David Callen, Rev. Herbert Olver, Rev. R.

W. Sweppenheiser, Rev. L. H. Seifert, Rev.

L. R. Guier, Rev. H. A.

Frederick, Rev. L. A. Smith, Rev. Howard Deate.

DALLAS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain Nor Grand View N. Avenue Chamberlain were recent Facguests of A. at toryville.

Mrs. Bostnick of Yonkers, N. has returned after spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pintard of Claude Street.

Mrs. Charles Snyder of New Jersey, is the daughter, guest Mr. of and her Mrs. son-in-law Thomas Gangloff of Lake Street. James R.

Oliver, Kenneth Oliver and James Oliver, have returned after a trip to Detroit. Miss Mary Templin of Cemetery Street is the guest this week of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Yeager, at Promised Land Lake in the Poconos. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Maxwell of Lehman Avenue are spending this week at Cape May. Peter D. Clark and children of Baldwin Street are traveling to Sedalia, to visit relatives.

NOXEN THEATER NOXEN Cool and Comfortable Tonight and Wednesday 7 and 9 "FOUR MOTHERS" LANE SISTERS Stooge Comedy, 'So Long Mr. Chumps' "CAPT. MARVEL' SERIAL Admission 100 and 20c 144 Alumni Lettermen Are Serving Country Forty-four young men who won their letters in eports at Kingston High School are in various branches of the country'e service, with result that Kingston Alumni Lettermen's Club is rapidly losing memberehip. Fifty-one others are employed in defense work and 42 more have taken up their residences in other cities. Preeident Lundy Wright has compiled thie list of those in service: Army: John.

Yanalavage, David Morgan, William B. Drugash, John Williams, Joseph Drugaeh, Eugene J. Barrett, Joseph S. Butler, Alfonso J. Bianco, James J.

McAndrew, George, P. George, Arthur J. Thomas, Ernest A. Sypulski, Robert O. Hale, Charleton F.

Kose, James M. Thomae, Edwin A. Lukes, Robert O. Love, Joeeph W. Kadish, Thomas O'Malley, Joseph J.

Tomberg, Henry R. Gushueky, Robert Goff, William B. Wilson, Richard C. Davie, Francis Roche, Lawrence Kalnoskas, Marcikowski, George: Williame, William Bromberg, Fred Hutter, Derwood H. Lewis Frank E.

Bizup, William J. Rittenhouse, Arthur C. Kucinskas, Frank Kartuchak, Robert Hangen. Navy: William L. Paul, Larry De Miller, Albert Peareon, John Zeleneck.

Naval Flying Cadet: Albert G. Burdulie, William A. Williams. Marines: Paddy Howe, Vincent O'Donnell, KINGSTON NOTES Mies Helen Byron, who rooms on Church Street and was reported as missing, was a victim of heat prostration and was treated at General Hospital. She has returned to her residence.

Women's Missionary Society of Wyoming Avenue Christian Church will meet Wednesday evening with Mrs. Harry Wright, 44 West Walnut Street. Class. 1941, Pringle High School, will meet Wednesday ning at 6:30 to complete plans for its semi-formal party to be held in the near future. Co-chairmen Joseph Paralis and William Sterbinsky are aesisted by Florence Kulikowski, Marguerite Moran and Joseph Faust.

STORY HOUR TODAY Story Hour, for children through fourth grade will be neld this morning at 10:30 at Hoyt There will be the usual story hour for older children op Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Forty Fort Board Makes Changes In District Faculty Most of the work of Forty Fort School Board was taken up last night in placing and replacing teachers. Charles 'Klechner presided and all members of the board were present. Resignation of Mrs. Marian Hunckley Shaller, grade teacher in Dana Street building, was accepted.

She was married during the last school term. Jack Morris, High School faculty, was named faculty manager of athletics to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Daniel Davies of the English Department. Miss Margaret Handlong Was transferred from grade school, Dana Street Building, to JuniorSenior High school work with salary increase of $100. Miss Helen Wright, who was placed on the suspended list last year when decreased enrollment caused closing of several rooms, was restored to the active list at the salary, $1,400, she formerly received. Miss Catherine Bone, head of the chemistry department, received permission to attend meeting of American Chemical Society at City, September 10, 11 and 12, at expense of the school district.

Earl Herbert, certified public accountant, was engaged to audit accounts of the athletic council for the past three years. Routine business took up rest of the session. WINS CERTIFICATE Miss Elaine White, 76 Welles Street, has recived a cash award and certificate of merit for writing a winning essay on "What Americanism Means to Me" in the national American Magazine youth forum competition. EVE BY APPOINTMENT FOR DRALBERT BLASE NERVOUS OPTOMETRIST RELIEF OPTICIAN wyoming av. For Best Shoe Repairing CALL JOHN NASSER Formerly John's Shoe Repair Shop 747 Wyoming Kingston Dial 7-9237 We Call For and Deliver CLOSE-OUT All Baseball -Tennis Equipment REDUCED For Quick Clearance STULL BROS.

WYOMING: AVE. STORE GLEN ALDEN COAL Grate $7.70 Pea $6.20 Egg $7.70 Buck $5.15 Stove $7.70 Rice $4.30 Nut $7.70 Barley: $3.40 DIAL 7-4238 COAL ALSO SOLD BY THE BAG WILLIAMS BROS. 26 Krych Street, Kingston.

The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)


Who was the founder of Wilkes Barre PA? ›

John Durkee, a veteran of the French and Indian War, settled a band of Connecticut colonists in the Wyoming Valley under grants issued by the Susquehanna Company. He named the town for John Wilkes and Isaac Barré, British politicians who were defenders of the American colonies in Parliament.

What is the phone number for the time leader in Wilkes Barre? ›

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Or Call 570-829-7130 or e-mail

What is the nickname for Wilkes-Barre? ›

Wilkes-Barre was settled in 1769 and reached the height of its prosperity in the 19th century when coal reserves were discovered nearby. This discovery led to the city being nicknamed “The Diamond City”.

What is Wilkes-Barre, PA known for? ›

Founded in 1770, this former coal town along the scenic Susquehanna River is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise for kayaking, whitewater rafting and hiking an extensive system of hiking/biking trails. Four state parks and numerous ski areas make this a popular destination.

What is CEO in Wilkes Barre PA? ›

CEO works with community partners to reduce the causes and effects of poverty.

What is Wilkes Barre phone code? ›

There are two area codes in northeast Pennsylvania: 570 and 272. The region covers Williamsport, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Monroe County. The 570 area code has an additional overlay, the 272 area code.

What is Wilkes win number? ›

I've lost or forgot my WIN, what do I do? If you do not know your WIN you must contact the Help Desk at 1-866-264-1462.

Who was the founder of the Pennsylvania Gazette? ›

Samuel Keimer

What Native American tribe lived in Wilkes-Barre, PA? ›

Culturally and linguistically closest to the Iroquois of New York were the Susquehannock Indians or "the people of the muddy water." Most of the Susquehannock villages formed in this region were in the area of present-day Wilkes-Barre and in areas north of Scranton.

Who is Wilkes University named after? ›

Wilkes was founded in 1933 as a satellite campus of Bucknell University, and became an independent institution in 1947, naming itself Wilkes College, after English radical politician John Wilkes after whom Wilkes-Barre is named. The school was granted university status in January 1990.

Who was the founder of Corry PA? ›

On September 13, 1858, Amos Harrington purchased 93 acres of land, on which the city of Corry is presently located. The same year, he sold 63 acres to Hiram Cory, for whom the city is named. Cory built his home on West Washington Street.

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