The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)

2 OCTOBER 26, 1914. THE SAGINAW DAILY NEWS. PAGE ELEVEN. Fall and Winter Weight Underwear for Men, Women and Children We aura now displaying our complete Stocks of fall and winter weight underwear for men. and children.

are the best all! 011T values are extraordinary. Menon floor department. main toor. leit aisle. Ladies and children- underwear department, secunderwear take elevator.

MEN'S JERSEY RIBBED MEN'S A MERCI- BOSS' AND MI-15 MEDIINION SUITS, fall and 17ED RIBBED UNION -IT UM WEIGHT FLEECED I v. in color; 31: 412 at, 11. suit $1 3 Kant sarmient tor fail 4t. 1. AL ITS, SIZ-4; 48c UNION WEN'S SI "Fit Well' bran tIt wear.

at, 3.75 MISSES VITA -Just the right weight for AND fall winter vour, closed all 1.50 50 SHIRTS VIN- AND RIBBED JAi 1, Mo.ght; garment all sizes; 80 25c S. at, Hilt hi night weight for fail wear. 11 MEN'S FINE WORSTED A tit 0 AN ELIZ.ANT SHOWING OF BED UNION the 1. at. it I NOTES 1 AND WINTER known brand.

I SUITS. in and winter weight, closed BOYS' FLEECED SORTS 10 nuuk. length -all at. it AND 101 ali 1 1. and length draw- 2.98 It.

23c sporial values, WENS LINE el garment, 500 up to 3.50 AND fall weight CHILDREN LADIES FALL AND MINTER long ankin length. 111 SIZe: A X- WEIGHT VESTS, long all at, S1 tr; good at. 25c at. garment, Karin at garment 500 and 23c SEITNER BROTHERS IMMENSE IN BATTLE ALONG YSER CORRESPONDENT SAYS MACHINE GUN IS MASTER OP THE WAR. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS Confusion 111 the Battle as soldiers Sometime lire on Friendly Very Active.

By Amsociated London, Oct. dent of the Dally News who has been in 11 11 armored train to the hanks of 19er, gives iL good description of the buttlo in the northwest. He battlo rages along the ser with frightful destruction of life. Air engines of death sweep this desolute country vortrally, horizontally and transversely. Through it the little frail human engines crawl, 414.

walk and rill, skirmishing, charging and blundering in little individual flighty and tired and puzzled, ordered hole and there, sleeping hero they can, never washing dying unnoticed. friend may tind himself tiring on 11. friendly force and few are to blame. "Thursday the Germans were drivon back over thro Yaer; Friday they set ured a footing again and Saturday were again hurled biek. Now bridge blown up by one side is l'opatted by the other and it 14 nguin blown up by the fret or left as it trap till the enemy Is actually crossing.

Daring by Trains, "Actiony by armored trains, some of them tho moot adventures A attempted d. ily. Each day ilean unwritten record of individual daring touts accomplished its port of the daily work. As the armored approaches the river undor shell tire the ear cracks with the constant thunder of guns abroad. It lA am.wing to see the angle at whiel the guns be swung.

"And overhead ole airmon are busy venturing fog and puffs of exploding shella to Ket 0110 small fact of information. We to regard the looping the loop of the Germans he.ul IL hair brained font. "Beside 118 IS wo crawl up snuffing I the Ines dogs on a scent, grim trainloads wait in the sidings. Further up the line abmulances ate Coming slowly back. The bullets of machine guns begin to rattle on our armored Conta, shells we learned to disregard the machine gun 14 the master in this war.

Scarred with Trenches. "Now we near the river at fint country farm. 'The territory is scarred with trenches and it la impossible to Sily at fret who is in them NO incidental and separate are tho fortunes the riverside battle. The Germans i are 0l1 our bank intilading the lines of the allies' trenches. We CreeP up and the Germans come Into sight out of the trenches, rush to the bank.

scattered smashed. The allies follow with 1 floree bayonet olarge. 'The Germans do not wait. They rush to the bridges and are sWept by the deadliest destrover of all, the machine gun. The bridge is blown 1p but who say by whom? Quickly the train rune brisk day," remarks the correspondent.

'Not 80 bad," replies the cficer. SO the days pass." THE MARKETS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Chicago, Oct. selling led by ole of the larger concerns here more than counteracted in the witwat market today the Induence of bullisti, cables. There were indications, however. that the demand front Europe would continue.

After opening to hisher the market receded below urday night's latel. Corn Wouk. Chicago. Oct. 26.

No red $1.1444 47 1.15; No. hard. $1.142 0 1.15 torn--No. vellow No. 3 Jello :3 Cats 3 bite 4:1, 67 dard.

49 49 1 17 950, Barley 5.30. loverDetroit, Oct. No. 1 white $1.09 No. red $1.12 May 3 mixed.

Tic; No. 3 Sellow 790. Oats- Standant No. 3 white 60 C. -No.

2 03c. Beans- $2.13: $2.20. $9, LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Oct. revelpis 34.

000: market strong: bulk of sales 7.50: licht 7.60: mixed .10 61 heavy A 1.60: rough .20: pig: Cattle- Receipts 20.000. steady: steers Vi. THE DAILY NEWS LINER COLUMNS CASHI IN ADVANCE 19 CHARGED ONE CENT A WORD A DAY ONE AND ONE QUARTER CENTS A DAY MINIMUM CASH. MINIMUM 203 IF CHARGED. FRATERNAL ORDERS EAGLE DIRECTORY.

Saginan Aerie 1'. (). 1. Meets Initiation .1 second an: 711 113 5. fourth H.

J. Lencke, MASONIC DIRECTORY. 7. IT: 1 Joppa 113 K. t.

11. H. 11. P. 11 ME A Landmarks 1 No.

303 .1. 0.1 Vincent. 11 sittin 1. 1. 1 Lodge 1.

14. M. 41 Wednesday Rot. 1. at MI.

J. MOO DIRECIORY. 3. No will PT giving 4 banquet Wednesday N' t. 1 4.

4 program tif 2 1.1 -tory telling I.t: bear MI for. speakers from out of the naVe been for tile Vell 104. Regular meeting every Tuesday night. Blouse Temple 020 N. Hamiiton 107 11.

(). T'. M. Joint installatiot: of Tent and Hive officers Saturday ening, Oct. 24, followed social Session for members and their 11' m.

1:. Whalin, com. E. I. K.

4 HELP WANTED-MILE. GOI openings for bright young men. riente unnecessary. Good 41111 promotion to right party. See Air.

Gist, room oVer So. Franklin St. 111 N. Warren. Elderly man preWANTED--At AT Armit Hotel.

26 MEN fir firemen. brakesmen. 5120 Send axe, hostage. 8. THREE men to solicit city and state work.

Rig pay very Mr. I Sherman fiotel. to p. WANTED heater for hoiler shop. Apply .1.

P. Bartlett C0. 25 EVERYBODY money on household FoOdS. pianos, swing ma chines, dian: onds. ipwelry.

salaries, tO. Tierno: Brothers, 117 Franklin. next to Kirby Bide ti MELA' -IF vOu need V. SPA Tierney Brothers, 117 S. Frank lin.

next to Kirby Bldg, MONEY To short notice On household goods. pianos. sewing machines, diamonds. jewelry salaries. etc.

Tierney Brothers, 117 Franklin. if MONEY TO LOAN on real estate at short notice. Tierney Brothers. 117 Franklin, tt. HELP WANTED--FEMALE.

WANTED to work by Howard. GIRL for general housework: 110 WatS ing; Bell 1327 621 ANTE 40! N. Bond St. 21X GIRL.

for housework, small family. Good wages. 41: Genesee. Bell phone 20 or Woman for general hous work; FOOT WageS: 7593 4t HOUSEHOLD HELPS A teaspoonful of vinegar added to the water in which black stockings fare rinsed will keep them a good color. Vinegar heated to the bolling point will soften paint brushes that vy become dry and hard.

A teaspoonful of lemon juive 111 small cup of black coffee is i sale remedy for bilious headache. A tiny pinch of carbonate of soda or salt added to milk 88 sOon 15 it trrives will help to preserve it from turning sour. One ounce of epsom salts added 10 gallon of water makes an rinsing mixture for colored blouses and washing dresses. To stop hiccough, give the patient :1 teaspoonful of granulated sugar and vinegar. this does lOt atford ill stant relief, repeat the dose.

Vegetables and fruit stains on the the Angers can he removed by dipping the Angers in Very strong tea for it few minutes and then washing then in clear warm water. If you are annoyed by flies in your bedroom, soak in oil of lavender, and tie it to the top of the bed. Flies hate the smell of lavender, and will not it. To clean lamp glasses hold them over jus of boiling water until then polish with a dry dusttr. It is far less trouble than washing and the glasses very rarely break.

Eucalyptus oil will remove grease stains from any kind of inaterial without injuring it. Apply de little of the oil with clean place of flannel. and rub the mat rial gently until the stains disappear. To make ware glisten, wash the and rinse in hot water. then plunge into cold water into which a handful of starch been dissolved.

Drain the glassware on towels until perfectly dry, then polish with a dry cloth. simple method of making ironWOrK proof against rust is to heat it until it is Almost rel hot, and then brush it over with linseed oil. This makes it varnish which, unlike ordinary paint or enamel. does not chip off. It 18 At good plan in darning stockto hold the darning wOol for minute or two over the spout of kettle of boiling water.

This shrinks the wool. and when the Stockings are washed there is no fear Of mending parts shrinking and SO tearing awAY from surrounding 50 that the Stockings last much longer. Colored handkerchiefs should be in cold salt water for A. short before they are washed. This will preVent the colors from running or fading.

A good for those who do their own 15 to apply the paste the wall instead of the paper. Amateurs will And it much easier to match the pattern, and the paper La less liable by following this method. besides saving time and troubie. OBITUARY -The funeral of Frederick J. took place famil, in township Sunday afternoon 1 a ciock.

and it from Lutheran churn in The church was fi.ed to capacity. bear were Gustar Neuenfent. Kale, John Krueger. Henry Kratz and 11 mi. Diener.

Those from out of Were Philip New York Mr. ani Mrs. aristiar. Schulz. 3 Rev.

George Nurchterien officiated and church quartet sans selections at church. Burial in the Lather7t cemetery in Richland. Braun -The funeral of F. Robert Braun took place frOm the his on Otto. Sixteenth street.

Buena Vista. Sunday aftercoon lo'clock. Rev. Fred Volta offician-. John Prustu.

Karl tau. Joseph Badu. Fred Spirine. Hurd Heider-r and Auwere pallbearers. Mr.

Airs. Gustar Reinbold and Mira. Carl Ci Sebewain. were present. to Forest WANTED I moneY ON St 2 j.

welry salaries. rs, 117 Franklin. tr WASTE experience el Neither Kr 31: in short notice on 8. pianos. 17: laries, 117 Frank.

the test fal: Mr. WANT 15 1. 4 A club. Realty Nor. A V1 Ken washing froling.

Dr. MONEY 445 J. A notice. Brothers. 111 tY.

ANTED 10 BUY. TO second -hand 1793-W. WANTED TO house for lot. WV. N.

Travers, 211 Hoyt. 4. Im WANTED lil astride said Hell 1785-W. dh WE any location in the cast. pail.

ru commission d. Pranklin. WANTED and highest prices W. A Daily. $26, No.

Michigan. WANTED Williams loads of d'ri, aliti Oakley. Inquire Kerry War. 6 FOR ADOPTION healthy baby. Beulah Home, Fourth AV 1: 11 30x MOTOR -Trombley Electric Co.


Bliss block. TO ACRE for FARM near Vassar. good 10- cation, dairy and fruit farm. 2- house. barns.

Milo and granary: Also 90 acres of uncut tinber sold below it.i value in order to close up an This has been 4 farm. For full particulars write Sophia Moll. 440 Park At. county. unImproved.

sand top. clay bottom. towns 3 miles: easy tehms. Carl Braun. Ann Arbor.

tr FOR and farining lands. Q. Atwood Estate. tr ACRE FARM just outside of the city; an ideal home for ties: need all buildings are substantial: no repairs; Inquire Sophia Moll, 440 So Park. 26 l'OR EXCHANGE.

WILL exchange piano in good condilion for COW. Call Bell 1304 r-2, Valley AT. tr TOR SALE- Roan colt, 3 J' old. fine stepper, best hreed; your price exchange for city lot. Inquire Grand Trunk Ticket office.

Washington Ave. 26 FOR SUE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE cornet with and attachments: in good condition. Call At 033 Sheridan. FOR SALE--I roll top desk, I Library tables, sofa desk. 10 heavy office chairs, 1 fire- proof safe.

sofa: all woods almost neW. A. DeVian, Genes Ave. 27 FOR SALE- stove, Jarge size. 18 inch Regal P'eninsular, used 2 years.

404 Thompson St. Bell S61-J. DOE SALE- -Cheap, I W'O base burners and 1 raburner gas range. 323 N. Wradock.

FOR SALE- Cheap, good paying milk route. Bell FOR loads dirt. Inquire (. Hendrick. 130 Owen.

Tell 2173. PARS and city for or exchange. F. block. L.

Rice, 411 W. GenFOR SALE--SeVeral modern bunga. lows, with furnace, electric light and Sophia Moll. 410 So. Park.

tf TOR 6-room house, 320 Alger cash or time. Genesee Coal Bell 1ST. Valley 422. DESIRABLE residences on No. Park, So.

Weadock. Sophia dioll. 440 So. Park. FOR house.

No. 133 N. 3rd St. by E. IT.

Patterson, 402 Bearinger Ridg. ti BUILDING LOTS in good sections of the city. Sophia Moll, 410 So. Park. ti WE PAY CASH for contracts, notes and mortgages.

Loans and Investments. Crane Crane, Hamilton Sq. FoR property. cash or time. W.

Q. Atwood Estate. FOR SALE -FARMS. FARMS and city property for sale exchange. I.

Rice. 414 W'. den- ART GARLAND coal fOr Sale. 834 S. 9th St.

30x FOR SALE--Lady's genuine pony coat AN now. Call Bali phone 1793- 11 23 COLONIES of bees for sale cheap, 216 St. Valley phone 184L. 23 SAGINAW co*ke: prompt delivery. lTe: Coal Bell 187, Vailey 4 tr CABLE PIANO.

slightly used, considerably cheaper than it can elsewhere. Investigate. Gregory's Mule HoUSe. Wost side. FOR -Grocery with soda fountain.

con. plete in every way. A good chance for some Ill health reason for selling. Exceptional bar- Rain sold at once. Address 8, care MAPLE CLIPPINGS delivered Same daY As ordered.

Genesee Coal CO. tr SAVE MONEY on shingles and cedar busts. Genesee Coal Beil 787. Valley 122. I FOR SALE-15 1 0 n.

D. Westinghouse aitornating current fully enclosed motors. 110 volt. 00 cycle. sir.g 1 a phase.

suitable for Power lightire current. Just the thing tor running sewing. washing and other li machines. Price while they fact 4 Wick-: Bros. piano.

a big bargain, Al condition Music HOUSe. west side. SOLVAY co*kE- Coal Co. ARMATURE WINDING Trombley Electric Co. SPECIAL bargain in diamonds.

Estate Of J. Connelly. 133 So. Washington tf. ELECTRIC WIRING- Electric Co.

FOR SALE--Maple Certin Clippings, large Both phones. 6-1-11 Coal Co. HEADQUARTERS for timber. bill lath. shingles, dooring, sidine.

ceiling. window and door frames, And Interior Snishing, asphalt roofing. Co. Bell 3215. 1330 No.

Valley 3431. WOOD. $1.59. Geneset Coal Ci TO USE TO RES TO RENT of double house, 307 OweL. Inquire Owen.

TO RENT--HOUSES. 1 N. AIrS E. 4th hotel. e4 leation in city: lle to right part Vien.

Genesee 1 TO RENT house. 13. r. with he of tole rime. Ave.

Bal: 444 In 9 PAN -It-. ROUSE TO TENT 111: Inquire Vi. Bardick. Dione TE To RENT lay. ani $14 per for R.

453. TO HANT 10 Water. 0 MeN all protements. wit: without it A Fort Ave Inquire A. IA TO RENT- -Modern house.

nicely 10- Inquire TO RENT house, modern 1 furnace: 1 block from aNI l'mon. Inquire F. N. Alger TO RENT- modern cons SOM Milard TO RENT- STORES. STORE rooms at 911 Janes.

barn In Inquire 925 Jars or 416 Potter. TO WENT -ROOMS. TO RENT--Furnished rooms In private family. North Warren. 1 rooms with alcove and in modern private home.

COnVenient So! tWo rille location. Bell phon -J. To RENT- TWO furnished rooms for isht 4 a range bath. 430 S. 4th.

WINTER and board br gent IDAN. Double Of Single. 10 minutes' from down town. Must he neat 110 Address Box care News. It RENT- Nicely furnished modern enves.

Hoard if desired. No. Washington Ave. 31 TO REN rooms. furnished for light hous-kewping.

ground door, private entrance at front and real Modern. 1413 27 TO RENT all conIt Thompson, Hell 191 M. 26 TO -Sice housekeyping rooms. hat. was included.

from to per work. 17 No. Porter. Call evenings. 28 TO RENT.

-3 and 4 rooms in suite for light housekeeping. A150 single 1137 5. Washington. Bel. LARGE.

warm rooms, modern conveniences. tire Ininat. s' walk trot 701 So. Washington. SUITE of furnisi.

housekeepit: rooms. All $3. 1137 So. Warren 26 MODERN with all conveniences. No.

Prankin Roil phone 1 111 TO RENT Picasant warm front room. Water. gas. hath: 10 other roomers in house. Breakfast supper it desirod.

210 Merrill St. To RENT-1 room furnished, 1 room unfurnished. Courier 1314. John Schmelzer. tr TO RENT OFFICE TOR RENT Stairs Bijou theater, steam heat.

running water. 27 AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE--I will sell At auction 011 Stoker farm. Shaddock road. miles east of Bay road, Wednesda tot.

U. 111.. horses. 9 hend cattle, all fart tool: and household goods. T.

proprietor, D. T. Packer, auctioneer. AUTOMOBILES. FOR Buick Orst class condition.

Inquire Bell 4136-J. Or 905 S. W'ash. CATTLE. FOR SALE -Pure-bred Holstein COW.

Inquire Jouries, Saginaw Company. 0 CISTERNS CLEANED. CISTERNS pumped out. cleaned and repaired. Val.

175. Hell 104. tf COAL, CORE. WOOD. NEW A MEISTER for square deal Wond your next coal, co*ke and supply.

Both phone9. DRESSMAKING. PALL and winter suits. dressand blouses, Call Valley 1230-B. Lillian Debba, 1002 Carroll SUITS.

cowns and 420 Franklin. Bell phone 915J. 1m. FIRE INSURANCE. MICHIGAN LAND CO.

-Fire Insurance, real estate and employment agency, corner Genesee and Jefferson, Valley 676-B. tr. Schwahn-Khuen Agency, Valley 2851-A. Bell 2951-L. FURNITURE REPAIRS.

FURNITURE of all kinds repaired At reasonable prices. Give U9 call. Joseph Haeusler. 517 Cornelia. PA.

I tr GENERAL DELIVERY. BOULE Delivery Co. baggage and pack. called for and delivered ant where in citv. Roth phones.

tr. MOVING. HOUSES: moVed or raised. Carpenter work. Cement house biks.

Ludwig Hahn. 1312 Germania: Val. tI LOST AND FOUND. FOUND--The place to. get my repaired.

3t Nelson's the Jeweler. side. MISCELLANEOUS. MINARD'S is the best place to Sell, buy or exchange used household goods. stoves.

refrigerators, bicycles. guns, ers. tools, tic. 803 Genesee. Both phones.


NIAGARA AND MACKINAW WEST SIDE. 31 SEND 10 tv Tenge No. Ach for 4 Of her new pong. You EA Mr Steady EVERYBODY -We money good- machines, diamonds, jewelry, salaries, A Tierner Brothers, :1: Franklin. to Kirby BIde.

tr FARMS and City property for sale Ar F. I. Rice, 411 W. Genblock. HORNERS It.

tobacco, No. 1 making AUTO Electric Starting RepairingTrombier Electric Co. LOAN short notice on household goods. sewing machines. diamonds.

Jewelry, salaries, etc. Tierner Brothers, 117 Oft on real Estate short notice. Tierney Brothers, Franklin. ILL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I barn farms to exchange for city property. 200d leity property 10 tor property improved farms to sti at ed the right prices 50 partially improvfarms.

Remember I hit Vet removed my office from Kirby Bidg. to 414 West in Bliss block. F. L. RICE MISCELLANEOUS.

ANI FURNACE: Repairs 0: short notice. right prices. E. D. McCrossen.

305 5. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES -Trombley Electriv MUSIC. BEATRICE WELLER Teacher ot Specialist the thorough dement of technic. 420 N. Prank9753 stockers and fenders 1.3 4 (4, 1 and as 41 JI.

kot slow ST: 6.10; la NatiVe 4 Fast Buffalo. toot. 1. 0 primo stors $9.104:10: slip41 hutch.rx $6.75 0 heifers $6407.75: COUP bulla stockers fenders 10 MIOCk heifers $3 Ft 5.75. slow: $.

0 11.20. -2100; heavy and mix pi $7.734 pigs rougli4 4r 6.50. Sheep and lambs yearlings 6.50; wethers WAS sheep, mixed. 4 A Detroit. per 75c 26.

per -4 $4.5040 Pineapple -Florida, $4.0004.50 per CASe. Cranberries per bbl: $1.75 4: 4 per but. California Fruits--Grapes per box. -California. $1.50 GiN per box.

Oranges- Valencias $3.50 f1 1 per box. per bbl. and per bu. Grapes Blue. 154016c per 8-ih.

hasket; pony Catau 13e; pony Concords lie; pony Nagaras 13c. Pears -Bartletts $1.75002 per sugar pears per bu. Farm 12e per lh. Cabbage- Ilome grown, per bbl. Dressed Calves- Fancy, 16c; common per lb.

lots. per b1 in bulk and sue per bu in Swer 2.40 pt bil; $1 I bu: Jersey $3.50 4r 3.00 per $1.2.7 per bu. Onions- per 100 lbs in bulk and S00 850 per 100 IhA. in sicks. Tou 1.50 111.

Honey--Choice to fancy now white comb, per Amber. 10011c; extracted. 6 Tc per lb. Live Poultry por heavy hens 134 lie: medium hells 11 120: NO. hens 100; old roostP 1147 ducks 114014 140: young turkeys ducks 19 a Cheese per lb.

lots: Michigan 11a Now York flats, 1644 6. brick limburger Swiss 3040320: doSwiss, 200 210: long horns 14 0 daisies per lb. regrtables. Boots, 000 per bu; carrots 50 00 60c S0c 100 per egg plant 800 garlic 150 per lb: greven peppers per bu: green onions leaf lettuce 64 per lb: head 1.30 per hamper; hothouse encumbers 75 47 $1 don: watercress 20 4 200 per d02: green beans DO0 $1 per bu: beans per bu: spinach 5110 per but: parsley rhubarb 2300300 per doz: 40e per bu. New York.

'Oct. Butter, stony: 33. extras 32 1g Arsts 311, 0: seconds 2414 t0270: process tris 25 4 460: packing stock No. 2. 9 19 20 1.

-Stondy: stite. whole milk, fresh specials 130: do. average fancy, skims 4013c. fresh gathered extras 3: 4 extra tirsts 313 G7 32 27 290; state. and nearby whites.

fancy. large, laid, do. browns. do, brown and mixed colors 330. Poultry lull and western chickens 142 4 :00: fowls 144 190; turkeys IS alive.

western chickens 13o: fowls 1112 turkeys Chicago, Out. Butter. firm: creameries 47 30 14 0. at mark, Ineluded 150 firsts or dinary tirsts 211, 47 c. Potatoes Lower: 3.3 61 10c.

Poultry -Alive. firm: springs 100 1014 C. Detroit. Det. 26.

-Butter. official prices Creamery extras 30c: first- USC: packing stock So: dairies 190 per th. current receipts. cases 240 per 1107. Poultry--Live hens 130: No.

2 11 41 roosters 100: springs 13 13 lurks 140: goose 13 4 turkeys per Ah. No. timothy. $16.006716.30: No. timothy, No.

1 mixed $13 0 PRODUCE. The pacing prices in Saginaw for 1914. 45 by dallam Ill be 25 follows: When No. 1 white. $1.12.

No. red. $1.03. --150. It Corn- -Shelled, 35c.

Barley per cwt. per cwt. picked. $4.00. Clover SeedFLOUR.

(Cotton Sacks.) Spring Fancy Patent Wheat. pa.ent $6.50 Second 5.20 Winter Straight 5.50 Graham, 5.40 Graham. 5.59 Winter Rye 5.20 Spring Rye Paper sacks. 10c less: wood. 20c more These Are dealers' quotations for barrel lots.

1 FEED (Ton.) WInter Bran $27.00 Winter Middlings 30.00 No. Fred 34.600 No. Feed Ground Oats 34.00 Fine Cornmeal, bulk. per 100 2.30 Fine Cornmeal, 19 lbs, per 100... Coarse Cornmeal 33.00 Cracked corn 33.00 Cotton Sand Meal 36.20 Linseed Meal 37.00 Above are dealers' prices.

11 AND STRIA The paying priced in Saginaw tor Oct. 27. 1914. 21 reported by the Henry Carr will be as follows: No. 1 timothy.

loose $17. Standard timothy. $12. No, 2 $11. No.

3 timothy. $5 59. 'hoice light mixed. No. I clover.

$3. No. mixed. loose. Prairie packing.

loose. $5. Strat. Wheat or vat straw. loose.

Ere straw. loose. $5.00. DRESSED MEATS. The paying prices tn Sarina tor LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS GRAINS.

0 t. :1 re ported by I. F. Ede'hoft. il: be is Dressed 4 110.

Chickens Alive, old. 120; spring 1 ducks PSA 11c; turkeys 22c. Veal--lie. Spring lamb-1214c. Jutton-10c PRODUCE.

The selling prices in Saginaw fresh tables Oct. 1911. I reported by Spangler Davis, will be as follows: $5.50. Sweet Potatoes-Bbi. 83.50 0 4.

Spanish Onions- Crate $1.30. Cabbage, TOC. New Carrots, 300. New beets, per bu. 40c.

Tomatoes, peu bul, 40c. Head lettuce, doz, 75c. Egg plant. doz, 31.00. Onions, bu, 500.

Lemons- box. Oranges- box. $343.50. Bananas, bunch. $1.25 1.50.

Pears 41 FRITES. GROCERIES (Dealers' Prices SUGAR Net prices; Loaf, $7.95: powdered, 57.25: eAstern granulated. $6.55: No. 4 soft 6.76: No. soft $0.65: NO.

10, Michigan $4.65. SALT--In C.ur lots. No. 1 medlum, per 90e: granulated. 85e in quantities less than car lots: No.

1 medium. granulated. 1.07 per ON--Perfection W. W. 10c; Gasoline 11c.

PRODUCE. FARM PRODUCE--Jobbers pay here tor: BUTTER Packing stock, dairy 21c: creamery 26c. l.en3 LIVE 10c. POULTRY Chickens. M1e: CHEESEC-14c lb.

(Prices to Change without notice.) Selling prices. wholesale, S. C. family pork $27.00: clear pork backs Franklin short cut pork, Kentrood bean pork. Woodlawn pork Premium boneless.

pieces. $33.00: rump hoof. $21.50: Premium kettle rendered lard 133, Silver Loaf cottosnet 90: Jewell shortening 83, Winchester bacon 201, Premium bison 23c; reg. ular hams, Te: dried beet knuckles 290: Ashland cooked halls, F. hams 160: Premium hams 180: 0100- margerine Peerless cooking 50c.

TUEL WOOD -Hemlock. $1.75 cord: hardwood slabs 2.45 cord: boly wood $3.23. $3.23. COAT -Chestnut, per ton, mired, stove. Agg, $4.25: soft lump coal.

$4.30: we shed nut $1.50. HOW TO BUY FRESH VEGETABLES Georze W. Perkins. New York financier and chairman of Mayor Mitchol's committee on food supply, has asked the schools of New York to circulate the following notice to familles that; may be affected by the threatened Anancial crisis. inav confront A critical declared Mr.

Perkins, "and we must prepare to meet the situation by learning how to SAVe and tO buy wisely." This is some of the advice offered by the circular: buving vegetaliles select them yourself and NOt' that they alt fresh. This is important. There are tricks in all trades. including the Vegetable trade. "You will get more potatoes if you buy them by the weight and not by the medsure.

"Never buy sprouting potatoes. SeriDUN illness has been known follow their use. "In buying potatoes. ask your dealto cut one in half. Take the tWO halves and put them together: if ther are juley enough to stick together you have a good potato.

"In buying cabbage get 3 hard, heavy head. with crisp white leave and with the stalk cut cluse to the head Many a large head of cabbage looks heavy. but alt taking it in your hand you will find it Very light. buying beets. choose those with dirty roots and fresh greet leaVes.

This shows they hate not been soaked to freshen them. buying winter squash. choose ol10 that has no soft spots. Choose dium-size One: the larger ones are Very stedy. "In buying celery.

choose 3 bunch with crisp white leaves. the outside nieces for soup and the inside pieces for the table." SAVE THE PIECES: IT WILL PAY some wiseacres -though they've proved it -that 'a French fAmily can live on what American housekeeper throws away." This inar be no mort true than hali true, but even 50 it may be well for the American housekeeper (O pay hred the way they do things in These are some of the rules followed by French cooks: Never throw food away, no matter how small the amount. Save soup. Save almost all drippings and bones, all water in which have been boiled and put aside for the soup. add 3 little barley or balls Th son ked over night to the clear stock.

al salt little celery seed, a dash of paprika, and pepper and simmer. never boil soup, Sometimes vou will want 3 clear coup, Take broth from the pot roast. and tor for the next day add noodles. There are many ways to cook these soups at little or no expense, but the bet war is to use overs and experiment in combining indredients. and Vou will soon be expert at soup making, When frying steak.

do no: cook one shie arst. then turn oVer and fry the I other. Just harden for 8 second OF two one side. and then turn 1 11 start frying the other. and vou will rind what juicy steak you will have.

when soaking 3 a caulidower. prior to cooking it, place it in unsalted water. This dra out the insets. If the water is salted the insects Are killed, but remain in the vegetable. P.

N. I. L. DAVIS. 217 8.

13th St. half block No. of Janes car line. PERSONAL HOME for unfortunate girls before And during Renan Home. 513 Fourth Detroit.

Mich." 12-10 PLANO TUNING. R. F. expert piano and player- piano tuner and repairer. AL work guaranteed.

Bell 2397-W. W. PLUMBING. 100.000 worth of plumb. Ing.

steam and hot water heating. My policy to live and let live. I estimate vour work free. F. F.

Scott. 218 Washington. ESTATE AND REAL ESTATE and Insurance of ail kinds, Bulling contractors, employment agency. Reuther Doer aVer Mautnar Krause. Cor.

and Baum, Valley $66. -HAND GOODS. -HAND GOOPS bought, And exchanged. Give 119 A call. 4207 No Franklin St.

Val. 1146-T. WE AND SELT-Second hand gOuls. Give 09 1 call. Valley phone 3000 r.

122 So. lamilton. tr SEI. OK TRADE It TO MInard. A 1 Genes.

A both phones. tf SHOES. LADIES' Frank the short Shoeman, VA I 717 shoes, Gen. TE SHOES REBUT. I.ET US REPAIR your old shoes tho modern way.

615 Gen. Bell 20870. Valley 574M. tr OLD SHOES made new while You WALL nt the Modern Repair, 10 No. Jeffereon.

TIME TABLES. MICHIGAN RAILWAY CO. LIMITED CARS FOR FLINT AND DETROIT. 6:65 A. 8:10 111., and every two hours thereatter to and Including 6:10 D.

(AlSO 11:40 p. 111. for I'lint Sundry only.) LOCAL CARS FOR FLINT. 7:10 m. mY.

and two hours thereafter to and including 7:10 D). 10., 8.10 m. and also 10:35 D. In. 9:10 D.

m. On Sunday only.) LIMITED CARS POR RAY CITY. 8. 171. and every two hours thereafter to and Including 10:10 p.

LOCAL CARS POI 114 CITY. 5:60 a. 111.. 4:50 41, 111., 8:10 17.. 9:10 4.

and every two hours thereafter to ant including 0:10 IN. and also 11 D. 111. WINDOW CLEANING. THE AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING Windows and general house cleaning.

129 S. Franklin. Bell 2320. lyr LEGAL NOTICES. DIOR' TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Whereas.

An election will hold in the several wands of the City Saginaw, Tuesday, the third day of November, A. 1014, for state county and ward offers, and, Whereas. Art. No. 190 of the HoRsion IA WA of 1877.

entitled, "AN Act to Maintain the Political Purity," and Act No. 209 of the Laws of 1879, and amendatory thereof. 1 being Sections to 9,386, inclusive, Howell's Atnotated Statues of the Staly of Michi4 4 inpose upon me the duty of warning the inhabitants of this city of the provisiona of said acts. Now THEREFORE. AlD F.

RICHMayor the City of SagiW, in the County of Saginaw and State of hereby warn the of this city of the provisions of said acts and notify them that any violation of the came will subject the offender 1 prompt and speedy punishment. ALL PERSONS AlE GUILTY OP BRIBERY WIIO SHALL (1) Offer Or promise of money or valuable consideration to induce any person to Or refrain from voting for any person or ticket. (2) Offer or promise office, place or employment to induce A Voter to vote or refrain from voting for any person or (3) Every person who shall employ others 10 corrupt vOtera in ally Inanner. (1) Every person who shall recoira money and therefore attempt 10 corrupt voters. (3).

Every person who shall advance money 10 be used for bribery a voter. THE PENALTY FOR COMMISSION OF EITHER OF THESE OFFENSES IS A FINE (F $200.00. All persons who offer to vOLE Or For 1rain from voting for money or other valuable consideration, or who after election receive money or Any valuable consideration for voting or having refrained from voting, on riction. hall tre punished as above. Candidates shall not directly or indirectly provide of any FOrt for the purpose of corruptly InQuencinz than voters, under a penalty DOL her more than $200.

Arvone providing for same objecta, will be punished in the same inanner. Any persOn. which Includes corporaLions, who shall directly or indirect1 dizcharee or threaten to discharg4 any person who Ahall be in big employ for the purpose of induencing his vote at any election in this slate. and any of A religious or church who shall command or advise under pain of religious disapproval for the purpose of Induencing shall he punished by a of not less than $25 or more than $200. ANY candidate guilty of bribery, when proved by LWO witnesses, max be by quo warranto proceed.

ings. It be onlawful or for any person to barter give away ANy spirituous, vinous or malt liquors. on election day, At any time, although the polls are closed. The and ba deputies, con stables, chief and captains of the DO lice and all policemen shall close all place: found violating this act and report all violations of the same to the mayor and prosecuting attorney forthwith. The penalty is a fine of not lees than $25, nor more than $200 and togother with not lees than 10 days' Imprisonment in the county Jail Witness my hand and seal of city.

this 2191 day of October, A. 1914. (SEAL.) ARD E. RICHARDSON, Mayor of the City of Saginaw. Oct.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.