The Junction City Union from Junction City, Kansas (2024)

TIIH JUNCTION' CITY UNION. MAY 3. 1920. FOR UeSt MISCKLLAX F.Ol'K. Chester Kohler spent Sunday in Abi I For Sale is Want Column FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Art Needlework Shop Art Novelties, Stamped GQods, 1Q Dl Among Railroad I Folks IQ1 lene.

William Neff has returned from a business trip to Leavenworth, -o Regulation army locker, $7.50. SI 3 North Washington. Novelty Store ml 4 Mrs. Vernat Biegert of Mr. and Lyonsdale were shopping in the city Saturday.

Mrs. Lucile Lorilard arrived today front Beloit for visit at the Y. Y. Young home." Mrs. Clemm and daughter of Kansas City are here the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. L. Yolkman. Miss Mable Green has returned to her home in Kansas City after a several weeks' visljt here with Telatives. Bryan Bronson returned to his school duties at Baker University today after a few days visit with his pa rents, Rev.

Oliver C. Bronson, and ife. There was a hard rain last night be tween Detroit and Chapman, and the roads are very muddy. Only a light sprinkle of rain fell in Junction City last evening. Miss Edith Bolin has returned from Mayo Bros, hospital at Rochester, where she submitted to an operation several weekS ago.

She Is much improved. i Mrs. Richard Rohrer and daughter Inez have returned from Topeka, where they spent several days the guests of Miss Laura Rohrer, who is attending Washburn college. According to a prominent profes sional malt, a non-gossip club has been formed among certain married women. It in snid Hie women nre withdrawing from other iMubs In order to join the new club.

Burt Delair left tortiw for Marys- ville to get in on some or the one-dollar per hour wages being paid in that town for experienced carpenters. Mr. DeLair said he probably would return to Junction City the latter part of the summer. The supreme court mandate in the case of John Fuller vs. the Associated Employers Reciprocal, tin insurance company, was received today ny Georgp J.

Webster, clerk of the district court. The decision provides for the rhearing of the case in the district court. Louis Churowhas jiald this morning that the Junction City baseliall team Is off on the right foot, and the first tryout of the season was held yester day. He hopes to announce tho line up the latter part of this week and announces that tryouts will lie held on Tuesday and Thursday nights at'O o'clock at the baB park. 1 The Cole ready-to-wear department this morning was completely showered witb mid-summer gowns, blouses, etc.

Mr. Cole reccUed a shipment of some of the gqods hn purchased on his eastern trip. Included In the Hlilpnlont were uome wonderfully beautiful organdies in all shades, dainty dotted Swiss dresses combined Willi organdy, and the smartest, of linen frocks. The Bess Taylor blouues which Mr. Cole purchased are the very sinurtest blouses on the market.

TJiey are featured in plain and dotted organdy. Saturday evening Sheriff Boyle of Riley county called the local officers and informed them that a Ford coupe had been stolen In Manhattan. The officers located the machine early Sunday morning near the packers camp, and one of them' drove it buck to Manhattan. The sheriff then put up a hard luck story on behalf of the owner saying he was a poor man and could not afford to pay a big reward', and finally gave the Junction City officer $10 for finding Hie car. The usual re-wanj Is from $2G to $100.

"DADDY LOXO LEtiS." A special showing of this Mary Pickfoid production, Columbia tomorrow. Admission, 11 and 22c. Housekeeper Wanted. 1 have a furnished hoifse'and want a man and woman, without children, to keep it. Thomas Dover, 332 West 7th St.

m5 'SPANISH PRISOXEIt" AUAIX Ancient Is Being Revived Since War Is Over The time-honored "Spanish pris oner" bunco game Is being revived after lying dormant during the war. A Junction City man this morning received an appeal by mail, written in Madrid. The writer slated that he was imprisoned by bankruptcy and called upon the local man to come to bis assistance. The local man was supposed fo cable his acceptance and then proceed to Spain und secure a portmanteau containing a secret pocket, in which were three checks, payable to bearer, for $120,000 cadi. For bis services the town man was 'to have one of the cbcrks.

On the outside of the envelope was stamped ti notice: "Supposed to contain matter forbidden for transmission by mails," showing the postal authorities are "next" to the game. The letter will be turned TTVer to federal agents. )Hre of Final Settlement. State of Kansas, Geary County, hs. In the Probate Court of said county and state.

In Re Estate of John R. Maraton, deceased. AH creditors imd others interested in aforesaid estate, are hereby notified that I have filed a report of my administration of aald estate in the Probate Court Of Geary county, Kansas, and that 1 Intend to make a full and final settlement of the business of said estate on the 31st day of May, A. 120, and apply for my compensation, attorney fees. and other expenses and for my discharge as Administrator of said estate; and at such time or as Hoofi thereafter as tho game can be heard, application will be made to the.

Probate Court for an order finding -and adjudging who are the heirs, devisees and legatees of said deceased. J. M. MARSTO.V, Administrator of the Estate of John It. Marston, Deceased Hi5-12-l'J-2(i Piatt Coleman, Attorneys.

American Flint Build ing Tile Blocks. Salt Glazed Silos. Climax Cutters. Kemp Climax Manure Spreaders. King Trailer.

City and farm proper ties for sale. List your properties tor sale with u. WALDO E. CLARK Junction City, Kan. Office over Bingham Store, 620 Washington St i MAXWELL And CHALMERS Sales Agents and SERVICE STATION MAXWELL GARAGE Robt.


No job too large, none too small. One Price to (live us a call. Night phone 5I9-a. Phillip H. Olsson Teacher of Violin, Cello and Band Instruments.

Over Universal Tire Store West 7th St. SQUARE DEAL GARAGE ALIDA, KAN. Auto Tractor Repairing A Specialty. Ford parts, and accessories carried in stock. Try us once.

If you like our work tell your neighbor; if you don't, tell us. All work guaranteed. IIANNKY BOTCE Proprietors. FOR SIGNS and SHOW CARDS SICE V. H.

ALLM I It 0 it ORE BAGGAGE and TRANSFER Any part of city or county, Good service and reasonable prices. Phones: 335 or J88-v DR. H. C. MAYER Physician and Surgeon Office 114V4 W.

7th St Telephones: Office 603 Residence 340 Junction City Kan. FOR RENT Four-room cottage. 401 v. 12th. $20.

Callea Roesler. ni i LOST. LOST From delivery truck, a 4S- pound sack of Iogan's' Best Flour. Finder please notify Knapp's Grocery. ASSOCIATED PRESS MARKETS Kansas City Livestock CATTLE heavy beef steers, steady 'to 11 lower, $11.50 to light, 13 to 25 lower, few sold; cows and heifers, steady to weak; calves, steady; good to choice vetklers, $11 to stackers, steady to strong.

HOGS 15 to 25 down; top. 'bulk, light and medium, $14.15 to $14. bulk heavy, $13.50 to $14, Chicago Livestock. CATTLE beef steers, most ly steady, heaty slow, $11.50 to $13.50, early top, cows and heifers strong to higher calves, slow to lower, $12 to $12.50. HOG3 light, steady to 10 up, $10 to top, $15.

GO; heavy, slow, mostly 10 to $15 down, $13.75 to $14.50. Kansas City Close. Kansas City, May 3 CORN May July, $1.58 AVIATORS TAKE TUMBLES BUT NO ONE (JETS III RT From the Funstonian. The last week has been unfortunate in local flights in that several acci- aents nave occurred. Tins series of accidents was culminated yester day when Second Lieutenant Ueorge T.

Wise, of this city, fell in a British aeroplane and was taken to WaUer Keed Hospital. it is believed both his logs were broken and it is not known whether he has any serious internal injuries. Lieut. Wise, with-his brother, took off yesterday afternoon and at 150 feet in the air 5ns motor cut out, causing the plane to fall to the ground in spin. Lieut.

Wise saw duty in Europe with a day bombing squadron? He was shot down and takon prisoner by the Germans and not released until the signing of the armistice. Only last Monday he had another narrow es cape while doing exhibition flyin near alter Reed. un this ocacsion he was flying a Fokker in which he had to make two forced landings, near Forest Glenn. Each time he took the air again after repairs and adjust ments, but the third time was fatal for the Fokker as his engine stopped at only 50 feet above the ground and he crashed into a fence, wreaking the Fokker but only bruising himself. The same afternoon, Lieut.

1c. Haynes, of Boiling (Field, was also fU'ing an SE-5 in which he was forced to. land In a small field near the Sol uiers nuiiie. me was wreciieu Lieut. Haynes was badly bruised and shaken up, but suffered no broken bones.

Yesterday afternoon another dent, and, remarkably narrow escape was expurienceu uy n. ivic Ginnis-und Captain L. N. Keesling who were flying in a DH-4 near Boll ijng Field. The machine caught fire at 5,000 feet from the back fire in the causing the flames shoot back close to the pilot and into the fuselage.

Lieut. McGinnis, by re markably- good side-slipped his plane down to the earth, a dis tance of nearly a mile and landed without crashing. He jumped out of his seat as the flames burst out about him. Captain Keesling was close to the fire, and extricated him self as soon as the stopped without difficulty. The engine was ruined, and the front co*ck-pit burned awav.

but the aviators suffered no in juries whatever. Again, yesterday afternoon, Colonel Arthur R. Christie, while on a prac tice flight, crashed in landing in DH-4 at Dolling Field. This machine which lands very flat, was caught in a cross wind and nosed over. Outside of cutting his nose badly, Colonel Christie escaped further injury.

WILL DEBATE OX LAW. Allen nnd Gompers to Discuss Labor Court Topeka May 3 In response to a telegram stating that the date.i of May 2S and 2 are open for the debate on the Kansas industrial 'court law between Samuel Gompcrs, undent, of the American Federation of Labor aaul Gov, Henry J. Allen of Kansas, In New York City, tne latter today wired he would accept eiiber date. He also recommended dial earlier dates for a debate with Compere at Washington be arranged. Kansas friends of Gov.

A.len hrr.i today assert, that plans arc being made to take a special trainloai of Kansans to hear the debate. TEST A XEY STATUTE Aiili-Syndiealim Law Will Come Ii-frire Supreme Court Topeka. May 3. A test of the con-stittitioanlity of the state anti-syndicalism law passed by the special session of the legislature last January will be made in the KUpteme court as tli result cf a habeas corpus proceeding filed in the supreme court today. It was filed in behalf of Thomas L.

Buie, under arrest at Mead, charged with violating the anti-syndicalism law in making an alleged incendiary speech. FACTORY DEATH LIST. ElJht Killed And ilK Iniured in Kansas in April. Topeka. May 3 Eight person were killed and 606 injured in Kansas industries during the month of April.

State Labor Commissioner W. H. Crawford reported today. The toU.Js since laht July were 7 kiilcd and injured. In the April rail-wars led with 2 killed and 20 injured.

WILL BE TIMED FOir.MIRHEK Younar Hoy Accused of MuruVrini? Sweetheart on Trial for Life Pontiac, May 3. Anson Best, youthful factory worker charged with the murder April 24 of Vera Schneider, 19-year-old telephone operator, will be placed on trial here this afternoon. HELP TYAMED. WANTED Cpok. Depot Hotel.

mG WANTED Chambermaid. Bartell f-5- House. WANTED Waitress Good Eats m-4 Cafe. WANTED Salesman for Junction City uiid vicinity. Commission contract onlv for spare time or full time.

We will teach you to sell income pro tection through our free school of instruction and help you build a business of your own. Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Ac cident and Health Saginaw Michigan, Capital m5 WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Washings to do at home, 827 West 10th. mG W'ANTJSD 4 Frank Dixon. horses to pasture 10 WANTED Pasture for 25 head Of cattle.

Phone 1254. C. D. Cook. m6 WANTED To communicate with some man going to Seattle, or vicinity in near future.

Address H. Tatura, 171-B, Ft. Phone 62 in u. WANTED TO BUY Highest prices paid for men's and boys' castot'f cloth ing. U.

S. Cleaners and Hatters, 120 W. 8th St.A m4 WANTED Dressmaking; hand, em broidery. Mrs. J.

E. Orr, 109 East 14th St. Phone 307-Y. mlo FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LAND AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Of all sizes in Geary, Riley and Dickinson counties.

Pasture land and some of the best lots. You should see. Geo. B. Frost, 210 West 13th.

St Phone 548-X. 10 FOR SALE Slnall cook s'tove mantle folding bed with mattress 126 East '13th. FOR SALE, CHEAP 4-room mod ern house, except heat; good liase ment and cistern; on North Wash Substantial payment down; balance on time. Call at 310 North Wash. m5 FOR SALE Small house, 4 rooms and bath; large back porch; chicken house and yard; garden patch.

224 West Walnut. iri5 FOR SALE Seven-room house with bath, lights, gas and two lots. 139 East 3rd. m9 FOR SALE Ford Roadster, is a real bargain if sold this week. Phone 1,35 ni 5 FrtR SALE 1919 model Ford Road ster, fully equipped with U.

S. Nob by Tires, shock absorber, and Yale Is a real bargain for person looking for somethinK good. Inquire 530 West 7th St. m5 FOR SALE Almost new Ford Roadster, 1919 model, fully equipped; used for family use only; must' be sold thlB week; leaving the city. Phone 435 for appointment.

FOR SALE Honey, cheaper than jiugar, while it lasts. Durbon the Housefurnisher. m-8 FOR SALE Viele Light Six, Red Seal Continental Motor, extra good casing3. Like new, at a bargain. Phone 98-X, or see Burns at Central National Bank rn-5 FOR SALE One piano, 1 side board.

1 stand tabis. 1 rocker, two dressers, 1 table, .1 Dnfold, 6 chairs, 1 cook stove, 1 heater and numerous other articles. 035 W. 9th. m-5 FOR SAlE eminent tent, $30:.

At 139 W. 8th, Gov-round, ,16 feet. Price, m4 FOR SALE-509 West 6th. -Ran; stove, Triumph m-4 FOR SALE Field's Progressive Everbearing Strawberry plants, $150 per 100 delivered. Phone 5S2, or 2S1-B.

m5 FOR REST MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms; close in. 328 W. 7th. mi FOR RENT Two large housekeeping rooms with closets and gas stoves.

235 WostGth. Phono 703. mlO FOR RENT Modern rooms. 218 W. illth St.

Phone 699-A. m6 FOR RENT 5-voom nouse; abo housekeeping rooms. Inquire Picker ings Shoe. Shop. mfa FOR Wa3h.

RENT 4-rooni house. 310 N. FOR RENT 5 unfurnished rooms and sleeping rooms to rent reasonable. 232 West 5th. 7 FOR RENT Building occupied by Clewell Giticery, No.

1110 North Washington, including fixtures and living rooms. Inquire Flower 108 West 7th bt. mn FOR RENT 2rooms for light housekeeping with water and lights. 215 E. 13th.

VV. H. Sanders. ni- FOR RENT Sleeping or light hoime keeping rooni3. 218 E.

6th. m-4 FOR RENT Six-room modern fur nished apartment. John T. Miller. m-i FOR RENT Rooms formerly, occu pied by the Baltimore Oyster bouse, west Cth street.

See R. B. Fcgan. mt! FOR RENT Four rooms for light housekeeping, furnished, garden spot. 240 E.

11th. Phone 527-a. m-5 FOR RENT Furnished room in a 'modern house, close in. 300 North Jefferson street. Phone 091.

nil FOR RENT Modern sleeping room, close in 111S N. Adams. Phone fi87-X. m-5 FOR. RENT 5-room llt5 N.

Jefferson. house. Call irt Complete Equipment. Personal Service. Reasonable Prices.

W. C. DUMM FURNITURE CO. Washington Office phone 112. Residence 226, 651 and 847-b.

FOR SALE 490 Chevrolet- $425 490 Chevrolet $325 Oakland $600 port $450 7 Buick Roadster. All in good shape. WENGER PARKERSON Auto Repair Shop and Curtain Works. 127 W. 10th P.

RANSON FLORIST Choice Flowers and Plants All Kinds of Shrubbery Asparagus, Rhubarb and Peony Roots. The Sweet Pea Seed. PHONE 194 Personal attention given all orders. CLEWELL'S PHARMACY For all kinds of Drags, Sodas and Sandrles. Good service and a square deal to alL Fboue 11.

Old Drag Store. THE Three Flag Taxi Phone 900 Anywhere in the city 25c Day and Night Service. Closed -tJar. I- THOS. W.

DORN FIRE, CASUALTY AND ACCIDENT. INSURANCE BONDS OF ALL KINDS 26 Tears' Experience l-I HAL FIERCE, Abstractor Bonded Abstractor, Real Ea-i tate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Central National Bank Building. PLUMBING Plumbing and Heating. Complete Bath Room and Heating Plants installed.

Phone 71. 113 W. 7th St. STEWART TLUJIBIXG CO. Junction City, Kan.

'PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Ada Fogelstrom 'Dictation taken in office or at my home. 'Phone 3S3-X. 237 V. 6th SL Crochet and Embroidery Threads, Etc. The famous "Roya Society" Embroidery package outfits.

a specialty. Orders taken for work. Drapery Section Durland-Sawtell Furniture Store. AUTO SPRINGS and RIM LUGS Carried in Stock. Welding and Carbon Burning a Specialty Nq job too large.

All work guaranteed. FOGELSTROM CARRIAGE SHOP Phone 109. 302 7th DURLAND-SAWTELIj FUNERAL HOME EMBALM KKS AMD EFMEHAL DIRECTORS. Pioneers of Geary County. Established 1883.

Quality the very best. Service unexcelled and reasonable. 117-119 W. 71 Junction City, Kan. Ofllco Thone No.

1. Residence Fhones: F. L. Durlaml, 29 F. M.

Durland, 29 E. C. Sawtell, 437 II. Q. J.

Seitz, 635 Will, Farquharson, BUY AT A SPECIALTY STORE Our specialty is Fresh Fruit, and yon you will find only the choicest varieties in our utock. We -select with care because wo -want our customers to be critical. Wo.4ilso have Magazines Nuts of All Kinds Fancy. Box Candies PERRIGO'S 809 Nr. Washington.

Call on ns when you want STORAGE Battery Service All makes oC batteries recharged and repaired. Free distilled water or inspection. "Coafs Less per Month of Service" SERVICE Battery Station Thone 21)2 20G Fast Gth St. Junction Ciir Kan. DHC.E.ZOLLINGER Veterinarian Office phone 553.

lies, phone G52-1). Office 122 West 9th St. CHAS. J. BROWN DENTIST 708 N.

Washington St. (Over Klbbey's Drug Store!) Phones Office 20; Res. 616. Evenings by Appointment Taxi, Baggage, Day or'Night Service Phone 23 OIUKAC D. Mahoney went to Topeka today on a business trip.

Mrs.xAllen Boline is visiting; her parents in Chicago. Mrs. W. J. Waters went to Kanusas City on a shopping trip recently.

Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Frey spent the week-end with Kansas City relatives Mrs.

H. L. EllerbURh and children have returned from a visit in Moberly, Mo. Several employees attended the Union Pacific family league at Kansas City, held on April 20. W.

T. Berry, master mechanic foi the Union Pacific, was in Junction City recently on an inspection trip The interior and exterior of the union station presents a clean appear anco since he work of the painting ere'. and Mrs. William W. Crocker have arrived from Ilerington.

Mr Crocker is a lftaoliinist employed at the shops. The office force of the union sta tion is prepared for hot weather, if the presence of a brand new electric fan is anv indication The many friends of the! Mickey family will be glad to hear that Mrs Eva Mickey is improving, from hei long siege of illness. Mark E. Murphy of West Twelfth street has returned to his duties in the shops after a few weeks layoff on ac count of a slight injury sustainc while at work. Everything is spick and span around the Bnrkelow Bros, news stand at the depot.

The manager has been en gaged lately in preparing for the ic cream cone rush. Pacific employees have orga ni.ed a baseball team, which will piloted by It. B. Kirtland and Tom Leach, manager. The boys hope to ar range games with the Union Pacific teams at Salina, ICllis and otier points IT.

S. Riley of Manhattan, is the new manager- of the Barkelow Bros newsstand in the union depot. He has chosen Mr. Ed. Carlson as hia assist ant and the young men will no doubt make ood in their new positions Mr.

Lilwall, who has held the pohI tion as munager for the past Bevern months, returned to his home Omaha today. HOMESTEADS IX 310 XT AM A. riiment Offering O'ond Proposition to former Service From the Funiitonianr The secretary of the inteiior ha announced the opening to homestead entty on April 30 of about 1,100 ncies o5 public laud on the Milk River Irri gstion project, Montana. TliMe laut)3 aie included in 20 farm uiiiiB, for 60 days will be available only to mer who served during the v.crlJ in. the army or navy of tuii Uiilt'ed Montana, in person, by mail or other wise Water rental application must be made to the project manager of the U.

S. reclamataion service at Malta Montana, in person, by mail or other wise within a period of six days, be ginning April 24, 1920 and continuing to and including 9 o'clock a. Ap ril 30, when homestead entries for the farms Included in this opening may be made by persons holding such approv ater Actual application The water rental charge on the Milk river project is per acre foot. The applicant must pay at the time he makes application for a farm unit the sfum of $3 per irrigable acre and $1 of this sum will be creifited on his waier charge for each of (he three years. The remainder of the water charge will be payable March 1 after the close of the irrigation season.

Descriptive literature and terms are obtainable upon request from the statietioian, U. S. Reclamation Service, Washington, or Hie project Malta, Montana. NOW IS MADE A Titjxkn Railroad Agent WHf He Lady. Topeka.

After 32 years' service as telegraph operator on the Union Pacific railroad. Miss Minnie. Doering has been appointed 'ticket agent here the first woman ticket agent at a station the size of Topeka on the Union system, it is said by officials of the road. She has been in the employ of the road since 1SSS. She learned telegraphy from her father, who was Union Pacific agent at Oakley, in the twelve years before coming to the Topeka station, Miss Injuring worked at ti number of stations, including two years Service at Manhattan.

One of her first appointments was as agent and operator at Chey enne Wells, in the days wnou thatfinrt of the country was considered "wild and wooly." This was impressed on Mim Doering's muid by the fact that on the day she arrived at Cheyenne Well cowboys put on a "neck-tie party" hung a horse thief near the depot. Numerous Junction City people are going to the Fort Riley gymnasium on Sunday evenings to attend the vaudeville performances that are given there. A good bill of five acts is shown eaclu Sunday night, along with four reels of The music, by an armv orchestra, is unusually good. "DADDY 1.0X0 LEWS." A special of this Mary Plckford production, Columbia tomorrow. Admission, 11 and 22c.

0 Daily Union Want Ada lc per word,.

The Junction City Union from Junction City, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.