The Fairbury Journal-News from Fairbury, Nebraska (2024)

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Fairbury, Nebraska

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The Fairbury Journal Faixbury Neb Thursday December 2T 1956 News Mrs Ed The Diller ily-i Diller Mr and Mrs Art Wells ind cHfittSF' Pre-Christinas Dec 22 was held in the heme of Mr and Mrs Art dispel Following a pot luck dinner in the evening there was a gift exchange Families present were Harry Hueske of Fremont Xlfred Hueske Lincoln Milton Rol-lan and August Hueske Erwin Bloome Elton Schmidt Paul Sticbweh The Harry and Alfred visited until after Christmas with relatives here Mr Mrs Frank Stahley and childr--1 ren of Milford son Visit Will Selk Mr and Mrs Harry Orth visited her brother Will Selk who has been in a Beatrice hospital since Dec 12 When he sustained serious injuries in an auto collision near Fairbury Mr Selk submitted to surgery earlier last week and he is doing as well as can be expected Raymond and Henry Pohlman went to Lincoln Dec 21 and were accompanied home by their Wm Behrends Have Pre-Christmas Dinner A pre-Christmas dinner was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Behrends Saturday noon Those present were Mrs Marie Anderson and Mr and Mrs Marvin Anderson and family of Beatrice Mr and Mrs Marvin Anderson and Le-Moine Miss Judy Walburn Mr and Mrs John Behrends and family of Kansas City Mo Mr and Mrs Art Behrends Fairbury Mr and Mrs Ward Sherer and four sons Mr and Mrs Paul Sherer and three sons Pisgah la Mr and Mrs Herb Schierkolk and daughter Lewis Alfred and Mrs Louise Schierkolk of Harbine and Mr and Mrs Bernard Behrends and family and Mr and Mrs Ed Behrends Evening guests were Mr and Mrs Henry Behrends and family of Daykin and Mr and Mrs LaVere Michels and family of Fairbury Gifts were opened in the evening mother Mrs George Pohlmem for and Mrs Rebutter having submitted Ho- Kuh'nke near Harbine Fairbury Neb Dec 17 1956 a daughter Rebecca Lynne an- M- ous Born to Dr and Mrs Ralph Cassel (Delma Hunt) Fairbury Dec 17 1956 a son Chad Wallace Cassel Born to Mr aniMrs Charles Steele (Anna Margaret Muller) Fairbury Neb Dec 19 1956 a son James Thomas Steele Born to Mr and Mrs James Buckles (Willa Jaycox) Hebron Neb Dec 20 1956 a daughter Debra Lynn Born to Mr and Mrs Roscoe Beachler (Marcella A Kubes) Reynolds Neb Dec 21 1956 a son Terry Lee Beachler Born to Mr and Mrs Arthur Schoenrock (Martha Bartels) Western Neb Dec 21 1956 a son Gregg Van Schoenrock Born to Mr and Mrs Ivan Ayers (Loretta Culp) Fairbury" Neb Dec 22 1956 a son Fred Dale Ayers Sweet Young Thing (from the city) what a strange looking ccw! But why she any 45 Farmer: you see some cows axe born without horns and never have any and others shed theirs and some we dehorn and some breeds supposed to have horns at all There are a lot of reasons why some ccws got horns but the reason why that cow got horns is because she a a Ex in-lajy and daughter of Mr and Mrs John Freese departed after Dec 21 for Sacramento Calif to spend the holidays with two of his sisters and a sister of Mrs stahley the former Pauline Freese now Mrs Harold Miller and husband at Seattle Washington Mr and Mrs Vernon Beethe and Douglas of Hays Kas arrived in Plymouth Dec 21 and spent the holidays with parents Mr and Mrs A Blau-ser and Mr and Mrs Beethe east of Plymouth Following the services Dec 24 Will Jarchow Mr and Mrs Lorraine Christ and family had a family gathering in the home of Mr and Mrs Allen Jarchow in DeWitt series of treatments in a hospital Her condition is much improved Mrs Steve Brown was jin Lincoln with her daughter Vicki to consult an eye specialist The primary and grammar room pupils and their teachers Mrs Hanna and Mrs Kolie-kowski entertained the mothers with a Christmas program Dec 21 After the program the pupils presented their mothers with gifts they had made at school I Mr and Mrs Henry Knoche had the families of Richard Knoche of Plymouth Robert Nickels of Beatrice and Keith Kramer i of crab Orchard for- a pre-Christmas dinner Dec 22 4 With i Mr and Mrs Harry Koenig at Christmas were Mr and Mrs Roger Koenig and Mike Mr and Mrs Will Me-Moran and' Cindy of Lincoln Mr and Mrs Jerry Koenig Steve and Jeffrey Unable to-be present were Mr and Mrs Vernon Koenig of Los Angeles Returned From Australia Mr and Mrs Vernon Koenig who departed from Los Angeles Calif Nov 23 for a visit with the parents and sisters and brothers of Mrs Koenig in Australia returned to Los Angeles Dec 24 Mrs Koenig an Australian war bride had not seen her folks for 10 years Mrs Koenig has a position with the United Air Lines and Mff Koenig is with the Hughes Aircraft of the radar division Their home is in Los Angeles Ace Brown of Denver arrived Sunday to spend the Christmas holidays with his brother Steve Brown and family Dsn Dovorak cashier of the 3 Bom to Mr and Mrs Donald Engel (Wilma Hartley) Hebron Neb Dec 11 1956 a daughter Diane Kay Engel Bom to Mr and Mrs Ralph Hevelone (Helen Kinzie) Fairbury Neb Dec 14 1956 daughter Teresa JoAnn Hevelone Born to Mr and' Mrs Harold Schutz (Laree Clark) Steele City Neb Dec 14 1956 a sen Mark Lee Schultz Born to Mr and Mrs Herman Schmidt (Adeline Eber- hardt) Fairbury Neb Dec 16 1956 a son Herman Epel Schmidt Bom to Mr and Mrs Floyd Bramhall (Norma Wolcott) Lincoln Neb Dec 16 1956 a son Alan Jay Bramhall Born to Mr and Mrs Louis Vanous jr (Helen Kouns) present were the families of the Irvin Haeckers Raymond and Henry Pohlman Plymouth Mr and Mrs Marvin Yost Milford Darlene Haecker Lincoln Mr and Mrs Wayne Schroeder and Patricia Beatrice Mr andMrs Frank Haecker had Dec 25 evening for their family gathering guests were the Alvin and Irwin Haecker Duane and Harold Schroeder jand Marvin Yost families On Dec: 23 dinner and gift exchange in the home of Mr arid Herman Overbeck included Mr and Mrs Theo Meyer Jansen Mr and Mrs Vernon Ovexibeck and their families Mrs Johannah Wolters of Fairbury visited several days with friends in Plymouth last week With Mrs Ida Germer af- ter the Christmas eve services was her son Mr and Mrs Arnold Germer and family and: the Lowell Germers and FOR JOB PRINTING Qi All Types See The Journal Printers Phone 141 Fairbury Toys and Gifts For All Occasions Also Christmas Items Lights Tree Decorations Wrappings Come In Early For Best Selection Diller Lumber Supply Co office- Jacobs ick Ewin Milius and Donahj Sellenrick and Gregg Darold Schmidt and family John JDrewes and Eugene' T3usch tk (Mr and Mrs Ronald Sellen-ifftfi entertained the Hohensee fafauly cf Gilead at dinner Christmas day 'The Christmas day dinner guests of and Mrs Fred Slqldeinann and family were anil Mrs Jack Nider and Mf and Mrs Maurice Moeller Mr and Mrs Orlyn Heidemann fmi Children Pre-Christmas for the family of Mr and Mrs John Freese was enjoyed in the home of their son-in-law and daughter and Mrs Frank Stahley at Milford on Friday evening Dec 21 Guests present were Mr arijl Mrs John Freese Allan aifo Leon Miss Alida Brandt Plymouth Miss Camille Klasek Western Mr and Mrs Robert FTeese and Veronica Jansen Mr and Mrs Richard Freese £nd family Plymouth Mr and Mrs Jack Kindsvater Pamela Lincoln Sunday -Dec Supper for the family MZri arid Mrs Clafence Ardyth Mrs Frank OvevBeck Plymouth was held ini th home of Mr Overbeck Amy and Lorry- in Beatrice Mrs Frank Overbeck was the Christmas day guest of her daughter Mrs Clarence Otto and family MrJ and Mrs Will Grummert had their daughter Mrs Ar-leen Birch and children Beatrice sons trie Roland Gru-n-mert family of Dsshler and the Harold Grummerts on Dec 25 In the heme of Dr and Mrs Burrell Spahr Dec 24 eve guests were Mrs Cora Spahr Mr and Mrs-! Carl Holz and family of DeWitt On Dec 25 the Dr Spahr family Mr and Mrs Clifford Weitfoth family were guests of: Mr and Mrs Oliver Kassing at DeWitt Moved Veterinary Office Dr Spahr has completed moving of his veterinary office to the building he recently purdhMei of Mrs Koepff Mr and Malchow had their family in their home following the Christmas eve services for exchange of gifts With Miss M'ary Nispel and her father Herify Nispel for a pot luck dinner Christmas day and evening were Alfred Nispel Messrs and Mesdames Fred Schmidt Herbert Nispel Beatrice Ray and Art Nispel Louie Paul Armin Malchowr and their families There was a gift exchange after the dinner Mrs Irene Orth spent Christmas with her daughter Mrs Luke Fouller and family in Lincoln I Mr and Mrs Dave Ubben and three children of Omaha Mr and Mrs Robert Pearson and children were the Christmas day guests their parents Mr and Mrs Ed Nispel Mr and Mrs MaynarrU Meyer had as' guests and Mrs Witt Shultz and falh-i ily apd the parents-- Mr and Mrs Albert Meyer Meyer With arid Wells for a pre-Christmas Dec 23 were their family Mr ami Mrs Lowell Germer and farrl- an I Mr and MriC FredCiirist had jfe Christmas' guests theri? Quests two sens and iftaugihter and fttmilies the Lylex LammeLs Be- a trice Verrion arid Loriafife Chri4t -Sj! fh-Hi Mr and Mrs Will Becker had as guests Dec 25 evening their sen Allen Becker family daughters Mr and Mrs Henry Pohlman and family Plymouth Mr and Mrs Ray Schmidt and sons Mr and Mrs Jerry Yow-ell and Debbie Sutton On Dec 26 in the home of Mr and Mrs Irvin Haecker her mother Mrs George Pohlman entertained her family MAX LOGAN Insurance liian Farm Management Phone 145 Diller FARMERS ELEVATOR arW Feeds For All Custom Grinding and Mixing Tony Zeleny Mgr Diller Nebr Farmers Bank went to the he PlyhtOUf'h News 1 1 I I Play it safe behind the wheel Slow Down and Live LOST Somewhere between ash-tray and nose one offensive odor We know what took it away the Lennox Electrostatic Air Cleaner Call ub and find out why mors families buy Lennox'than any other make Parks Heating Ph 127 BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY GREEN Real Estate and Insurance Ph 102 Diller Nebr FERTILIZER SALT GRINDING BULK FEED or SACKED FEED A Cooper Co Diller Nebr GEER BROS Phillips 66 Products Tires Batteries Accessories Phone 66 Efficient Tank Wagon- Service by Dora Diller School News Upper Room Those who received 100 in spelling were: Mary Malchow Joel Bartels Deborah Logan and Diane Scheele Intermediate Room Those receiving 100 in spelling Friday were: Thiijd grade Judy Barnts Susan (jhamp Gordon Maatsch Mary McCawley Fourth grade Sandra Hage-man Patricia McKenzie Dean Pretzer Richard Zeleny Fifth grade Bonnie Diek-man Johnny Bias Dallas Lott-man Junior Scheve Carl Ulm Primary Room Those who received 100 in spelling were Joyce Barnts Phyllis Bentley Kathy Diek-man Renae Hageman Darrell Maatsch Aria Rogers Margaret Damrow Ruth Diekman Julie Fasnacht and Stanley Rolfs Diller Community PTA Had Thursday Meeting The Diller Community PTA met it the grade school building Thursday evening with a large crowd in attendance as the public was invited The meeting was opened with the singing of Little Town of The Christmas story was read by Rev Hodgkin and followed bv a prayer A short business meeting was held with the president Mrs Henry Hirschler presiding A report was given that 185 stu dents had received the physical examinations sponsored bv the PTA Two committees are to be appointed One to investigate the possibility of obtaining milk at the grade school for the children who want it and the other committee will select three pro jects for the PTA to work on Reports are to be given at the next meeting Pupils of Dist 70 presented a Christmas program Christma cookies and coffee were served following the program Faculty Members Party The faculty members of the rural high school gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Hageman and family Sunday evening for a pre-Christmas party The group enjoyed a taffy pull The rest of the evening was spent visiting Refreshments were served by the Hagemans Those who attended were Mr and Mrs Hobart Duerfeldt and family Mr and Mrs Richard Steffen and family Supt Dale Jantze Mrs Packer and Mr Morrow Underwent Surgery Virgil Garton son of Mr and Mrs Dan Garton underwent surgery Monday afternoon at 'the Fairbury Clinic He is a student at Diller RHS Rev and Mrs A D- Weage are spending Christinas with their daughter Mrs jean Kohrt and family in Wayne Diller Church Notices St Ev Lutheran Churcb of Diller Redeemer Ev Lutheran Churcb of Hollenberg Paul Kuehner Pastor At St 9:30 A Church School 10:30 A Worship Service At Redeemer 9:00 A Worship Service 10:00 A Church School Diller Methodist Church Rev Hodgkin 9:30 A Church Service 10:30 A Sunday School Sunday 7:30 every week Choir practice 7:30 Wednesday every week Ellis Methodist Church Rev Hodgkin 10:00 A Sunday School 11:00 A Church Service Monday 7:30 every week Diller Congregational Church Avery Weage Pastor Services for Sunday December 30 will be as follows: 9:30 A Sunday School Don McKenzie Superintendent 10:30 A Worship Service Sermon: High Way of You are cordially invited to these services Miller Death of Henry Maybofn fj Relatives of Henry Mayboni of Bakersfield Calif received word Thursday that Mr -jMay-born had passed away "early that morning His sisters Mrs George Boettcher of Lariham and Mrs Cora Wilms left attend the funeral Leonard Frisbie Visiti Leonard Frisbie of Campbell Nebr stopped at the home cf Mr and Mrs Lee Calkins Wednesday evening en route tb his parents the Mr and Mrs fFred Frisbie home at Beatrice He and his brother Ralph who is here from Iowa visiting his parents at Beatrice stopjd a short while Thursday morning at the Calkins home The Leonard Frisbib family expect to spend Christmas with their daughter Mrs Roy Rei-bers husband and son SKtty at Lakeland Florida i 1- t-3- Elm Sunshine CfubJ The Elm Sunshine Club met at the home of Mrs Glen Riddle Dec 11 with nine menibers present The meeting was opened with the singing of Christmas songs A gift exchange was held The next meeting will hp at the home of Mrs John Tljom-sen and the lesson jwilt be of Sewing A donation was made to' the 4-H fund -a: Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting Plan New Party At the New Eve party which is being planned for the young people of the Diller fared there will be three Walt Disney comedies and a colored scenic picture The evening will also include games singing refreshments and a worship service to be held just before midnight The party will be held in the downtown gymnasium ja young people of junior high age high school age and coN lege age are welcome I 1 Christmas Decorations Business firms have! Sauti-fied their windows the American Legion Post has two lighted living Christmas trees out- side its hall doors Dr B-! Viers has again lighted his outdoor tree Max Logan has six lighted trees and lighted Arbor Vitae flanking his home The Earl Warren home is beautiful with its tall red front door candles light-outlined doorway and lighted trees The Glen Long heme has a cedar outlined and lighted doorway -and many homes ih the residential area are graced with lighted trees wreaths sprays stars and other novel designs The Lee Calkirjs home sports a unique old-time dan-tern decoration Attend Hilder Funeral Among those who attended the funeral and buria of George Hilder of Central City at Wymore Tuesday afternoon from the Episcopal church-wer Mr and Mrs Robert Upson Mr and Mrs Earl Weigel Mr and Mrs Theodore Henricris Mrs Alice Hilder all of Diller Mrs Florence DeLeau of Karisas City Mo Mrs Ruby Weigel of Beatrice Mr and Mrs Davis of Omaha and John Hilder of York i "4 I Returns From Hospital Leonard Kenning of Steele City who had surgery at- the Veterans hospital Lincoln has returned home Mr and Mrs Earl Weigel have been staying with their daughter Mrs Ken ning and helping chores with the Visits 111 Niece -I: Journeying to Denver Thursday was Mrs Marvin Lofing of west of Diller Mrs Lofing an at hospital jwent to visit a two-year old niece who is ill in a Denver The child is the daugh Mrs Lofings brother Bill French and Mfs Frencri of Brighton Colo Hi lr Mr and Mrs Hobart Diuer- feldt Suzann and Mary JjUlen are spending the holidays with their parents and grandparents Mr and Mrs Clafence Hawxby of Nemaha and Mr and Mrs Floyd Duerfeldt a Barnard Missouri 4 Mr and Mrs Roy Fletcher Fairbury visited Mrs irefce Scheeve Wednesday afternoon Diller Local News Mr and Mrs Vic Blackstone of Paris Florida visited several days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Rav Hudson They were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Calkins Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Willis Clark were Sunday dinnej: guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Meyer of Fairbury They will also be guests there Christmas day guests being Mr and Mrs Kenneth Andrew and three children of Nemaha and Mr and Mrs Emil Mfeyer of Fairbury Bill Morrow left Saturday to spend Christmas vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs Earl Morrow of Kidder Mo Mr and Mrs Ernest Schulz and Elva and Bill Morrow were Wednesday supper guests of Mr and Mrs Ernie Lawrence and Connie Mr and Mrs Wm Behrends returned Wednesday from Beatrice where they spent several weeks with their daughter Mrs Marie Anderson Miss Dorothy Thorngate of Lincoln spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Virgil Berg-meier and Anita Kay She is a cousin of Miss Vesta Thorngate a former high school teacher Mr and Mrs Wm Behrends accompanied Mr and Mrs Marvin Anderson to Kansas City Sunday morning where they will visit several weeks Former Fairburians in Denver The editor of this page who is holidaying in Denver with her daughters and families the Jack Aasens and Dean Freys reports that a number of former have been guests in the two homes since her ar rival Thursday including: Mrs i Helen Frey Pomona Calif mother of Dean Frey also there for the holidays Bob Dove whe arrived from Casper Wyo Wednesday to meet his mother Mrs Myrtle Dove Aubuquerque who came by plane Thursday and accompanied him to Casper Friday Mrs Phyllis Brandes Seattle who was an over night guest Wednesday arriving by plane and continuing by train to Fairbury Mr and Mrs H- Ahrends of karisas "TZky" "are holiday guests of their daughter and family the Jim Renners The Ahrendts and Renners spent an evening with the Aasens and Freys Pre-Christmas Dinner Mr and Mrs Don Scheele and family of Nebraska City and Mr and Mrs LeRoy Bentley and family were at a pre-Christmas dinner Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Scheele Left For Labrador Junior Wiemers son of Mrs Gilbert Plager who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for nearly a month left Tuesday for Labrador where he is stationed with the Air Force For those who need an investment with a current income the series SAVINGS BOND is perfect It pays interest by government check each six months Shopping this Newspaper WAGGONER FUNERAL HOME Mrs Clare Waggoner Local Manager Vance Licensed Embalmer Jlf Trauih Licensed Embalmer 1 AMBULANCE PH 134 ii- c- isibi IT P1LLER LUMBER SUPPLY CO Aluminum Combination Storm Windows Doors See These Before You Buy Full Line Electric Fence Items Fencers Posts Insulators Wire home of his parents Mr and Mrs A Dovorak at Elm Creek for the week end and Christmas Day Christmas day invited guests of Mr and Mrs Phil Koppert were their son Mr and Mrs and Mary Beth Mr hiert and Mrs' Myron Erance- ot coln Miss Rose Lanz Dec 25 guests of Mr and Mrs John Hahn were Mr and Mrs Marvin Robertson and Darla Esbon Kans Mr and Mrs Dale Hahn Fairbury Mr an Mrs Dean Hahn and Mich- ael Beatrice Guests of Dr Metcalf and his daughter Mrs Eunice Bahrt on Christmas eve Mr and Mrs John Ghilar Lincoln Dr and Mrs Elmer Metcalf Stuart Mary Ann and Howard Dewitt Mr and Mrs Lloyd Metcalf Stephen! Karen dnet John Mr and Mrs- Ed Hahri The family enjoyed exchange cf gifts and refreshments Christmas day dinner guests Of -Maggie Wietiag wexe Mr and Mrs Clarence Spran-gel Dennis and Paul Mr and Mrs Herbert Kisling and Noia Jean Following the Christmas day services in Immanuel Lutheran the pastor and Mrs Harold Malotky and children went to Lincoln to be with the parents of Mrs Malotky Mr and Mrs Herman Buis and family Club Christmas Meeting Dec 12 Peppy Pioneer home extension club was attended by 17 members and Mrs Susetta Stcihweh of Conroy Iowa was a visitor After singing several Christmas selections with Mrs Ed Hahn as leader Mrs Milo Skalnik showed colored slides Games and gift exchange was followed by serving a dessert course with Mrs Floyd Metcalf and Mrs Ed Jacobs asjf hostesses The extension club voted to place a bulletin board in the Milius Hardware window for the use of the club and for important affairs of the community Arriving in the Plymouth vicinity for the holidays were Mr and Mrs Maurice Moeller of Herlong Calif Mrs Moeller' was the former Eloyde Heide-: nann With Mr and Mrs CaU Schmidt for a supper eqn 25 were her fJper Hesjry SeH lnripk and ETrsrin Messrs and Mesdames Gordon Mumby Otto' Semi Annual OUTSTANDING VALUES From Our Regular Stock The shoes with beautiful fit at great savings A wide variety of dressy casual and tailored styles but not all sizes in all widths 3086 A truly great sale including Trim Tred Polly Deb i afPoH Parrot Uii iU -J.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.