Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2025)

WILL BUY YOUR CAR We need good, clean Imports, economy, intermediate, toll size, and luxury cars. 11 you have been trying to sell your used cor and are tired of the hassle, SEE RICH WILLIS for An Immediate Offer BETTS CADILLAC 17th Locust Des Moines, lowa DEATHS BRISTOL. Services for Mrs. Vivian Bristol of Winterset, iowa, will be Friday, 11 AM at Dunn's on Grand. Interment Resthaven.

HINEY Services for William Hiney will be 10 AM Friday at the Grace Lutheran Church. Visitation 6-8 PM Thursday at the Funeral Home. Interment Glendale Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Grace Lutheran Church building fund. MERLE HAY FUNERAL HOME 4400 Merle Hay Road 278-4633 KISSEL Services for Meyer Kissel, of 2218 Fifty-third, will be Thursday, 1 PM at Dunn's on Grand.

Interment Jewish Glendale. LANE Services for Mrs. Grace C. Lane of 4334 Woodland, will be Friday, 1 PM at Dunn's on Grand. Interment Centerville.

LEICHT Services for Marvin A. Leicht, of Park Rapids, Minnesofa, formerly of Des Moines, will be 11 AM Friday at the Westover Funeral Home. Interment Glendale. Services for Florence of 7305 SW Seventeenth, will be Friday, 1 PM af Olson Funeral Home, Bemidii, Minnesota. DUNN'S SOUTHSIDE SERVICE PETERSEN Services for John Petersen, of 885 Northwest Aurora, will be 10 AM Friday at the Funeral Home.

Interment Glendale. DAHLSTROM SERVICE RIGGS Services for Mrs. Lena M. Riggs, of 422 SE Park, will be 1 PM Thursday al the Funeral Home. Interment Highland Memory.

DAHLSTROM SERVICE SCORPINITI Services for Leonard Scorpiniti, 2905 University, will be 10 AM Friday at St. John's Catholic Church. Rosary 7:30 PM Thursday. CALDWELL-BRIEN-ROBBINS 2100 University 243-0555 TINSLEY Services for Tinsley, Clear Water, Florida, formerly of Des Moines, will be Friday, 3 PM. Dunn's on Grand.

Interment Masonic. VANDERWILT Services for Mrs. Homerette A. Vanderwill, of Adel Acres Nursing Home, Adel, will be Thursday, 1 PM at Westover Funeral Home. Cremation.

WILMORE Services for Mrs. Doris I. Wilmore, of 2714 Payne Road, will be Friday 9:30 AM al Dunn's on Grand. Interment Resthaven. WRIGHT Services for Verle Wright, of 2335 Lyon, Place will be 1 United PM Friday at Easton Methodist Church.

Interment Masonic. DAHLSTROM SERVICE Services Scheduled Hamilton's Funeral Home THURSDAY KENNNETH C. BURNS 832 SE Granger Avenue 10:30 AM at the Funeral Home Interment Sunset Memorial Gardens ARDEN G. HOOVER Knoxville, lowe, formerly of Des Moines 9:30 AM at the Graveside Interment Glendale LESTER W. JENSEN 712 Arthur Avenue 3:00 PM at the Funeral Home Further services at First Methodist Church, Odebolt, lowa, 1 PM Friday.

Interment Galva Township Ceretery. FRIDAY BOYD B. DAWSON 1923 E. Grand 10:30 AM at the Funeral Home Interment Chariton, lowa WILLIAM D. JONES 708 1:00 PM Hickman at the Avenue Graveside Woodland Cemetery WES ROBERTSON A Salesman with Tone Bros.

Spice Co. Wichita, Kansas, formerly of Des Moines 1.30 PM at the Funeral Home Interment Wallace Cemetery, Wick, lowa RENEE VANHOEVER 4141 Cambridge 1:30 PM at St. John's Lutheran Church Interment Highland Memory Gardens HAMILTON'S 243-5221 INDIANOLA CASE Services for James Lloyd Case, will be held PM Friday at the Peterson Funeral Home. Interment Indianola 100F Memorial Gardens. HADLEY Services for Mrs.

Fannie Hadley, will be held 12:30 PM Friday at the indianola Friends' Church. Interment 3:30 PM at the Honey Creek Ceretery, New Providence, lowa. PETERSON SERVICE WEST DES MOINES SCHWARTZTRAUBER Services for George H. Schwartztrauber, of 925 Ninth Street. West Des Moines, will be 1:30 PM Friday, McLaren's Chapel.

Interment Jordan Cemetery. WINTERSET WALLACE Services for Mrs. Mary Oreen Wallace, of Rural Lorimor will be Friday, 2 PM at the Macksburg Methodist Church. Interment Moon Cemetery, Macksburg. COLLINS FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY LOTS: MONUMENTS Sunset Memorial Gardens.

spaces at $250 each, 2 vaults at $250 each. 266-0271. COINS STAMPS. FOR SALE: Scranton Bicentennial Coins, $3 each. Write Box 188, Scranton, la.

51462. LOST FOUND and 80 BASSET TYPE DOG, Brown with white stomach and nose. Choke chain. Found Vic. 561h and Hickman.

277-7907. BIKE girls 10 speed, FOUND Owner identify. 280-1673. CAR KEYS, Found on Douglas Ave, call and idenity. 276-8400.

COLLIE MIXED puppy found vic. of 6th and Keo. To inquire call 277-7172 after 5 PM. ENGLISH SHEEPDOG, young female, found vicinity Hickman and Beaver. Call 277-8205.

FOUND small gray shaggy dog wearing '76 and '77 rabie tag near 42nd and Freeway. Owner must identify. 279-2954 FOUND white Dove like bird. 244-1243 IRISH SETTER puppy, FOUND vicinity of Fluer Dr. Please identify.

277-9146 KEYS, Found, 3, on Collins Credit Union key chain. Corner Cornell and Seneca. 288-9972, 244-6696. TO PLACE A WANT AD CALL FROM EVERYWHERE IN IOWA 284-8141 Is Due Moises Want Ad Rates! Want Ads may appear in both the Des Moines Register and the Des Tribune on weekdays for lone price. Ads appearing on consecutive days may include Sunday lat no increase in rates.

General Classifications All prices per day $1.07 7 or more days 1.15 4.5 or 6 days 1.34 or 3 days 1.34 1 daily combination 1.44 Sunday only Rates apply for consecutive insertions. Minimum size ad 2 lines. Help Wanted from within lowa Counties contiguous to lowa All prices per day $1.17 7 or more days 1.25 4.5 or 6 days 1.44 2 or 3 days 1.44 Daily combination 1.54 Sunday only Rates apply for consecutive insertions. Minimum size ad 2 lines. All Advertising Agencies and Heip Wanted Advertising, Employment Agency Advertising from outside counties contiguous to lowa will be charged at the rates below.

All prices per 1.60 7 1.70 3 to 6 days consec. 1.90 Daily only 2.00 Sunday only DISPLAY RATES: Display advertiswill be charged per line more than the rates quoted above (with the exception of the Advertising Agency Rate). Minimum display ad, 1 column by 14 lines. Special Low Rate for Families Any non-commercial advertiser can run a two-line ad for two straight days in many classifications at a Total Cost of only: $2 if is selling price less $3 it is selling than price $100 You need only spell out all words. give price of item or items sale and include your address or phone number.

Compare with any other rate in town! Found ads run free for 3 days GIVEAWAY pet ads three days free. Count one line for ads containing "Write 000 Register and Tribune, plus $2.50 for box service. All ads for Positions Wanted or Business Opportunities payable in advance. Ads may be ordered for insertion in either the morning Register or evening Tribune alone, rates for Single insertions are per line less than quoted rates as they apply. NOTICE Our readers and advertisers are hereby informed that all real estate and employment advertising in these newspapers is available on an equal opportunity basis, These newspapers will not knowingly accept any advertising which is a violation of the laws that make it illegal to place advertisements for dweilings or employment with any preference, limitation.

or discrimination based on age, color, race, religion, sex, or national origin. These newspapers cannot accept help wanted advertisements which in any way express an age or sex preference unless the advertiser files an affidavit with the news papers justifying the preference on the basis of a bona fide occupational requirement. Affidavits are available from the Classified Advertising Department. Deadlines Weekday issues: 6 p.m. preceding day.

except tor Saturday which is 5 p.m. Friday. Sunday issues: State-wide editions Friday 4 p.m. City edition. Des Moines and surrounding counties.

Friday 5:30 p.m Lobby Office Trained Ad-visor on duty Monday through Friday 8:30 to 5 p.m. Phone Service Want Ads taken 7 days a week. Trained Ad-visors on duty Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 8 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Friday 7:45 to 6 p.m.

Saturday 8:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday 9:30 to 5 p.m. For further information write: Fred Bell, Classified Department. Register and Tribune, Des Moines, lowa 50304 In the Des Moines area Call 284-8141 In all lowa call FREE 800-362-1836 Index of major classifications 1-170 180-306 Automotive 309-360 Merchandise 390-560 Business. Rentals 600-699 Real Estate.

Farm. LOST and 80 FOUND KEYS, LOST, Ashfield 18th and Lyon. 262-2817, 279-9711. KITTEN, female, white wearing flea collar FOUND vic. Ingersoll last Friday.

277-1659 LADIES Gold Boluva watch lost vic of Merle Hay Mall or K- Mart Center on Hickman. 278-4250. LOST Siamese male, 4900 SW 74th. 287-3736 LOST, Small brown male, old Chihuahua and Pekingese mixed. Gone about 3 weeks.

South side. Reward. 285-7759 after 4 p.m. POODLE, FOUND. Male white and apricot miniature.

Merle Hay Rd. and University. Ph 274-4255. POODLE, gray, FOUND. Blind.

Near our home South of Army Post Rd. Sunday. Ph. 285-4320. POODLE, white.

FOUND vic. E. 30th and Walnut. Call 262-1152 after 5. POODLE, White, found vic of SE 5th and Indianola Road.

282-4939. DOG, medium sized, black, female, Lost vic Douglas, 1-80 and Urbandale, 276-5005. PUPPY, minature black poodle, FOUND at SE. 6th. 244-6757.

PUPPY, small, white, LOST in the Drake area. Reward. 243-4786. SCOTTIE, Black, with red collar. Found 49th and Hickman.

277- 3202. SIAMESE Cat, small light colored fem. Very noisy. LOST from car vic. Delaware-University.

Answers to Tasha. REWARD. Call collect, 314-449-3058. SIBERIAN Gravish Husky bik lost, and wh. 112 vrs.

BIk eves. 280-7515. VIZSLA FOUND, Female. Red with red collar. Northeast side.

262-5076. MO. old male Siamese cal named Singto. LOST vic. 78th and needs medication.

Rew. 285-0561 or 287-3125. NOTICES 90 Thomas Leo Brumbaugh, R1 1, Runnells, will not be responsibie for debts other than my own. TO THOSE CONCERNED Odom Hanson is no longer in business, any business transactions under that name will not be recognized as of July 16th WE WHERE GO SHALL 110 Lake Robbins--Woodward Allen Welsh 7 pc. Band- Sat.

Sun. 4 p.m.- Kenny Hofer-6 to 10 ADS HAPPY 138 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY On your 34th Anniversary, From The Donner Kids. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID PERSONALS 140 Community Telephone Counseling HEALTHLINE 282-5235 WANTED 87 overweight people new program. Call Mr. Arthur 278-8840.

TATTOOING 1415 Locust, Weekdavs 10 to 7. weekends 10 to 10. 243-9898, Des Moines, iowa. PROBLEM PREGNANCIES Abortions 217-357-3685 ENCOUNTER 1 PM-7 PM. 274-9259 RAGBRAI 2 Bikers need ride from DM to Sidney.

Call 265-3867. PERSONALS 140 Need A Companion? 24 hr Call Tree's 24 hr Exotic Models Escort, Encounter Sessions, and Triple movies. Your place or ours. It's our turn. Hire a Nude Go-Go Girl and Boy for your next private party, also nude Go-Go girls and boys for private stags or public clubs anywhere.

1721 Keo Des Moines, IA. 243-2473 IMMEDIATE SERVICE MODELING Let Our Ladies Come to You! Don't Wait! Dial 276-2899 OPEN 6 PM to 3 AM PANDORA'S BOX OUTCALL MODELS FEMALE OR MALE Call 274-9389 OPEN TO 6 DIV. OF VENUS ENT. THE MAIDENS MODELS OUTCALLS INCALLS 511 12th 243-9936 Grow Earth Worms at home, $825 investment. Returns $1200 per mo.

Write for free literature, C.A.S.H., 1810 S. Josephine, Denver, 80210 or call collect 303-778-1027. CANDY'S MODELS OUTCALLS 7 pm- 2 am Monday to Friday 274-3937 NEW STORE All new merchandise. Mags, pocket books, aduit toys, film. Check our prices.

Open 10-10 5TH STREET NEWS 411 5th Ave. HYPNOSIS CAN HELP YOU Lose weight, Stop Smoking APPLIED HYPNOSIS Call for free brochure 243-5858 BY APPT. ONLY BEAUTIFUL MODELS lowa Swingers 14. Tapes, books, novelties, Movie Arcade ADAM EVE BOOK STORE 508 Grand Open 10-12 Sun 12-8 FILM SALE towa Swingers No. 14.

Bondage leather products. Adult toys. BACHELORS LIBRARY 919 Walnut ALL NEW Mags, P.B.'s, novelties, film on sale. New shipments weekly. COURT STREET NEWS 319 Court COLOR FILMS $5.95 $10.00 MAGS FOR $3.95 LOCKER ROOMS $4.95 Blue Nude Book Store 1117 Grand Denmark Book Store 408 7th DAVID Nationally known Psychic now available for speaking engagements.

515-423-8434. LOW RATES for auto, cycles, home owners, fire and campers. Fast SR-22 filings. Mike Anania Ins. 407 Court, D.M.

la. 243-8666 LOW Auto rates, cycies, home owners, fire trailers, fast SR22's. ISADORE RISSIEN INS. 321 E. 5th.


515-265-6911 1653 E. Grand DATE? Noon-7 PM. Monday thru Friday 274-9250 IF ITS PARTY TIME Call 245-9175. We take care of everything, all kinds of Girls or Guys for your entertainments. 1105 5th St West Des Moines 50265 Act Now 515-274-0133 Call collect MASSAGE 142 OUTCALLS DISCREET MASSAGE ESCORT 319-354-3062 MASSAGE, Iowa City Only ESCORT, Iowa City Coralville Mon Sat.

10 AM to 3 AM Sun. 7 PM to 01 AM EBONY MASSAGE OUTCALL SERVICE 319-351-9669 lowa City 319-322-9065 Davenport 24 HOUR SERVICE Velvet Touch Massage MASSEURS, ESCORTS, HARD CORE MODELING. WE SPECIALIZE IN STAG PARTIES, ANYWHERE IN IOWA. lowa City-Outcalls Only Open 24 hr 319-354-4006 PARLORS Across From the Airport Modern Massage Hours 9:00 AM 'TILT AM 287-2203 5875 Fleur Drive K's MASSAGE DAVENPORT 1618 Washington 319-322-3696 LINDBERG'S MASSAGE PARLOR NO. 2.

641 West 2nd Ottumwa, la. 515-682-0209 MASSAGE 243-0697 OPEN 8 PM 1310 KE0 MONICA'S WHIRLPOOL SAUNA STEAM AIR CONDITIONED Open 11 AM to 3 AM Closed Sundays 514 SOUTHFEDERAL IA. 515-423-8454 Front and Back Entrances Credit Cards Accepted ToNeCa 5290 2nd Ave 244-2075 TRANSPORTATION 150 DRIVE In exchange for your trans. Cars avail. to N.Y., Oregon, Florida.

No charge for car. Some gas paid. 282-4396. INSTRUCTION 180 UNITED ELECTRONICS INST. INSTRUCTION 180 VETERANS Earn an Associate Degree In.

Business Administration, Accounting, Computer Programming, Sales and Management. Court Reporting, Executive Secretarial, Etc. Attend Day or Night Classes (Also Saturday A.M.) FALL QUARTER SEPT. 7TH Supplement your present income. Receive from $270 to over $400 each month from V.A.

benefits. To find out it you qualify, Call 244-4221. or send for free 64 page catalog. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS 2500 Fleur Dr. D.M.

50321 Real Estate School Of lowa is holding weekly prelicensed instruction using its own up to date study manuals in several locations in la. Call Toll Free 1-800- 332-8127 or write 3700 Ist Ave. Cedar Rapids, la. 52402. SEMI DRIVER TRAINING Iowa Midwest Training, Inc.

1025 Ashworth Rd. Rm 460 225- 3636 SEMI- -TRUCK Driver Training and placement information. Ph: (515) 282-1075. JOBS OF MEN INTEREST- WOMEN 195 Regarding Sex or Age Preference In Help- Wanted Advertising In accordance with the rules adopted by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Register and Tribune cannot accept Help- Wanted advertising copy which in any way expresses a sex or age preference unless the advertiser files an affidavit with the newspaper justifying the sex or age preference on the basis of a bonafide occupational requirement. (Advertising in classifications 195, 200, 210, 220, 260 and Run of Paper.) Affidavits are available from the Classified Advertising Department.

ACCOUNTANT Junior accounting position in Accounting Practioner office. Public accounting experience desirable. Apply to Willis Savage, 3715 Kingman, Des Moines, 515- 279-8831. ACCOUNTING CLERK Excellent working conditions in exciting industry. Good fringe benefits.

Call 244-5797 for appt. ADJUSTER Nationwide independent Adjusting Company needs experienced Multi-line adiuster. Excellent company benefits. Send resume of adiusting experience to P.O. Box 1795 Des Moines, IA.

50306, or call 515-225-0441 for appt. SEWING AND REPAIRS ALTERNATIONS Full-time, experience preferred. HILLYER CLEANERS 277-0793 AMF MECHANIC Some exper. prefered but will train mechanically minded person. Salary open depending on exper.

MELODY LANES, Storm Lake, la. 712-732-4970. APARTMENT MANAGEMENT We are seeking a mature management couple in good health capable of quality care of 72 units in the Des Moines area. You will have the training, support and direction of a professional management company. Send brief resume to Box 0-917, Register and Tribune.

APARTMENT MAINTENANCE Person with top-notch maintenance ability including plumbing, electrical, painting, roof repair, pool maintenance, carpentry, etc. For call Shirley Gregory at 225-6700. APARTMENT MANAGER Couple for bedroom luxury Complex. Must be mature, no children. experience preferred.

Southside close-in. 285-0990. APARTMENT MANAGER resident mgr. for mod. 18 unit apt.

complex. Very minor duties in exchange for part rent. 255- 5850. APPLICATIONS for production workers will be taken. Hoener Waldorf 3800 McDonald Des Moines.

APT. RESIDENT MANAGER Man and wife to maintain and manage apt. bidg. 1 No children. Good salary plus BR apt.

References. Mrs. Chambers, 244-0387. Assistant Manager Aide WILL TRAIN An opportunity to work with and learn from experienced Bishop Management. Goud monthly ry with meals included.

Hours 12 noon to 9 PM. 6 days per week with Wednesday off. Apply Mr. Fay or call for interview app't. 276-1534.

BISHOP BUFFET MERLE HAY MALL An Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT MANAGER A person with leadership abilities. Neat, clean and not afraid of hard work. WAGES OPEN INGERSOLL CAR WASH 2525 INGERSOLL ASSISTANT PLANT MANAGER For large midwest dairy plant. New job opening, responsible for 35 employees. Experience in some line of dairy plant management required.

Excellent opportunity with starting salary of $20,000 to $26,000 depending on qualificatons. All fringes and retirement, and salary advancement. Write Box X-379 Register and Tribune. ATTENDANT Looking for extra cash? 20 hrs per wk. Min.

wage. HS grad. Exc. working conditions in new Southridge Mall area. Apply in person to Land of Oz, Southridge Mall, 10 AM-5 PM.

Mon-Fri. AUDITOR, FRONT DESK Midnight to 8 AM, Friday and Saturday night. YMCA 101 Locust AUDITOR, Nights. Apply in person. Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, 4800 Merle Hay Road.

Auto Body Repair Must have at least 5 yrs. experience. Top wages and benefits to right person. MARMET AUTO PAINTING 752 E. Broadway, Des Moines 288-0727 AUTO BODY REPAIR If you make less than $20,000 annually and you do good quality work, then investigate employment with a national company doing most desirable type of body work and offering guaranteed salary plus bonus, paid vacation and holidays, and other security.

For more details call Jim Eastvold, 274-4006. Maaco Auto Painting, 1998 NW 92nd Cr. AUTO MECHANIC WANTED Good salary, fringe benefits, experience a must, Rex Moore Chevrolet, Van Meter, Iowa, 10 minutes from West Des Moines, 1-80 west. 996-2425 or 996-2841 evenings. AUTO REPAIR EXPERIENCED.

Kens Body Shop 288-8456 AVIATION Young men looking for opportunities in the field of aviation. Will train as: control tower operator, computer technician, structrual aircraft electrician, airport serviceman, aircraft engine mechanic, aircraft electronics technician. Excellent salary and liberal fringe benefits. Call 515-255-1998 collect for appointment. BABYSITTER, mature in our home for a 7 mo oid baby.

Full time mid- Aug, ref req. 964-2545. BABYSITTER needed: possibly to live in. open. Ref, required.

Phone 265-1834. BABY Sitter, full-time, 2 children, 36th- Kingman. 279-1576. BABYSITTING in my southside home, Own trans. 288-1722 BANK CLERK Varied Customer Service and check handling duties in bookkeeping dept.

Proof machine experience helpful. See Ellen Hart. NORTHWEST BRENTON NATIONAL BANK 2805 Beaver An Equal Opportunity Employer BANKING: Vice President for Marketing. Outstanding growth opportunity in a challenging posifion. Strategic marketing planning and execution for profitable 70M bank.

Midwestern university community of 90,000. Call 319- 364-4460. All responses confidential. BANK NEW ACCOUNTS Customer service and secretarial duties in pleasant suburban bank. Outgoing personality and secretarial skills (except shorthand) required.

See Linda Craig. Northwest Brenton National Bank 2805 Beaver An Equal Opportunity Employer BANK TELLER time or full time. Apply in person, Wakonda Office Moines National Bank A Brenton Bank 4303 Fleur Drive An equal opportunity employer JOBS OF INTEREST MEN WOMEN 195 BANK TELLER Mature person with good appear. to work 40 hr. week.

ALL FEES PAID. $550 Call Maria Thrane, 282-5211 Executive Division. BARBER STYLIST Instructor. Contact lowa School of Mens Hairstyling. 603 E.

6th Street Des Moines, 244-0971. BARTENDER 8 hr shift, 6 day week. Call for appointment. 274-1522. BARTENDER Eves hours, west side location.

Call aft 3pm, 255-6053. BASS, KEYBOARD, HORN PLAYER seeks working COUNTRY GROUP. 280-9541. BEAUTICIAN for Manicurist. Patrick's Hair Styles, 276-4561.

BODY SHOP Looking for journeyman and apprentice. Good wages. FISHER BODY PAINT 262-5950 or 265-0933 BOOKKEEPER Full time, prepare payroll, payroll tax returns, and accounts payable. Prefer person with experience. APPLY IN PERSON TO KEN MCCLENATHAN Charles Gabus Ford 4545 Merle Hav Road, D.M.

E.0.E. BOOKKEEPER need a full charge person with stable work record and personality to get along well with people. $700 range. Fee reimbursed. Mary, 244-9156, Acme Personnel.

BOOKKEEPER Detail math minded. Super career spot. Good benefits! FEE PAID $425 Call Robin Nixon 284- 6950 Snelling Snelling. BOOKKEEPER Entry level, math background. $500.

Fee negotiable. CAPITAL-204 Securities Bldg. 283- 2545. BOOKKEEPER, Part-time, 4-6 hrs. a week.

Top pay. Must have own transportation. Write 0-927 Register and Tribune. BRANCH CLAIMS MANAGER Prestige company offers growth opportunity for candidate of 3 to 5 years multi line field claims experience in Work Comp, Gen'l Liab. and some auto.

Good administrafive ability and personality desired. Salary commensurate with ability. Liberal fringe benefit package. Write John Butzman, American Mutual Insurance 496 Southland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky, 40503. BROILER COOK Full time.

Experienced. Top salary. Call Chef Newton at 319-351- 3334 bet. 1-5 PM for appt. HIGHLANDER INN AND SUPPER CLUB Iowa City, Iowa CAB DRIVERS Full or part time.

Hours to meet your schedule. Good earnings. YELLOW CAB CO. 550-7th Street Carpet and Vinyl Installers Experienced. 282-9002.

CASH FLOW SHORT? We have part time openings with good pay plus life insurance and retirement. 50-60 career fields to choose from, we pay you to train. 285-6790; 285-6875 CASHIER SALAD PERSON BUS PEOPLE WAITRESS-WAITER Nights and weekends SIRLOIN 'N BREW 2445 Euclid Just W. of Target CATERING SALES ASSISTANT Apply in person to Betty ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy 65 and 1-80 Altoona, lowa CHEF MANAGER For a coffee shop and dining room in hotel-motel complex. Excellent opportunity tor a COUpie.

Profit sharing basis. No investment required. Must be able to furnish references. Located on a federal highway, town of 7,000 people. Contact Manager, Woods Motor Inn, lowa Falls, receptionist, heavy dictaphone.

Salary negotiable. Call 225-6066. CLERICAL POLICY SERVICE CLERKS. Immediate openings in our Policy Service Dept. Accurate typing essential (40-45 WPM).

Will be typing endorsements and coding. Excellent employee benefits. Good starting salaries. Call Jane Manning, 280-2201 State Automobile Casualty Underwriters 405 6th Ave Des Moines, IA. 50309 Equal Opportunity Emplover CLERICAL General Office skills a must.

Will train for position. Write 0-930 Register and Tribune. CLERICAL Home office insurance company has an immediate opening for an Endorsement Clerk in our Life A Underwriting Dept. Previous experience desirable. Excellent benefit package and free parking.

Call FARMLAND INSURANCE SERVICES 282-9186 An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES for EXPERIENCED or INEXPERIENCED OFFICE WORKERS The Bankers Life, Iowa's largest life insurance company. continues to GROW rapidly. As a result, we are in the unique position of being able to offer a variety of job opportunities to both experienced office workers and inexperienced peopie just entering the business world. Some of the current openings available include: Typing (40-50cwpm) Stenography Calculations Pension Administrator Trainee If you are interested in any of the above opportunities we may have a iob for you. Your starting salary will be based on individual accomplishments.

THE BANKERS LIFE 711 High Street Interview hours and 247-5052 247-5053 An Equal Opportunity Employer Clinical Laboratory ASSISTANT Must be a Graduate of a CLA program to apply for this interesting position in a 200 bed County Hospital, servicing both in and out patient. Knowledge of blood banking important. Shift rotation, Liberal fringe benefits and salary commensurate with experience. Contact Personnel Office Broadiawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines, la. An Equal Opportunity Emplover Broadlawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines, la.

Iowa. Phone 515-648-2501. CHILDRENS SHOES Full time and part time salespersons needed for Stride Right Bootery in the Valley West Mall. Pleasant working conditions and excellent fringe benifits. Apply in person 10 to 6 weekdays, or call 225-0607 aft.

6:30 PM. STRIDE RIGHT BOOTERY VALLEY WEST MALL. CLEANING PERSON To clean hallways and laundry rooms for large South Side Apartment complex. Good working conditions. Excellent company benefits.

Call 288-0846 Equal opportunity employer CLERICAL and SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST West side loc. Insurance agency. New bldg. Free parking. Clerical typing, filing, misc.

Secretary JOBS OF MEN INTEREST WOMEN 195 CLERK TYPIST Aplitude for figures, accurate typing. National concern. Call 288- 7401 for app'. General Electric Supply, 1401 Ohio Des Moines. An equal opportunity empiover CLERK TYPIST SECYS TEMPORARY NO FEE EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD 506 Equitable 282-5161 CLERK TYPIST Varied duties, will train, excelient fringe benefits.

274-3810. COCKTAIL SERVER Evening shift, full-time, excellent benefits. Apply in Person. HOLIDAY INN MERLE HAY 5000 MERLE HAY RD COLLECTOR parl time for telephone work. Must be experienced.

282-3339 COMMERCIAL LIABILITY UNDERWRITER Immediate opening for an experienced underwriter. General and personal liability and workers compensation. Excellent benefits, free parking. Call or write: Louis Bobinet, 515-274-3531. IMT Insurance Co.

6000 Grand Ave. Box 1336 Des Moines, Iowa 50305 An Equal Opportunity Employer CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT OR MANAGER large Midwest builder with intentions of establishing a permanent operation in the Quad city area has first proiect of 460 apartment units in East Moline almost ready to start. Need experienced man to supervise construction and aid in obtaining contractors and suppliers. Position offers potential of increased responsibilty to qualified person. Send resume to Michael Myers, Edward Rose and Sons, PO Box 937, South Field Mich 48037 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, needed for work in lowa and North Dakota.

Pilot car drivers, flag persons, roller operators. Write or call collect, Brockman Contracting, 318 36th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, 51104, 712-255-6634. An Equal Opportunity Employer. COOK ALSO BUS HELP Experienced. Full or part time.

Apply to Manager after 5 PM. CHUCKS RESTAURANT 3610 6th Ave. 244-4104 COOK Experienced APPLY IN PERSON TO CHEF Tea Room Kitchen 5th Floor--Downtown YOUNKERS An Equal Opportunity Employer COOK Experience preferred. Hours varied. Will train.

WEST PARK CARE CENTER 1211 Vine, W.D.M. 274-9351 COOK Exper. in institutional cooking. DOWELL'S PLEASANT HILL MANOR Call 265-5348 COOK Modern cafeteria. Lim- ited breakfast with lunch preparation.

Serving cafeteria line. Mon 6 AM to 2:30 PM. Paid vacation and holidays. Polk County Courthouse Cafeteria, 500 Mulberry, 282-4716. 288-1441.

COOK Must be experienced in all phases plus have broiler experience. No Sundays or holidays. Apply in person from 1-2 PM or 6-7 PM. No phone calls! WIMPY'S STEAK HOUSE 1604 South Union COOK'S HELPER Ramsey Memorial Home 1611 27th 274-3612 COOK, BROILER Experienced. Top job.

Apply in person Maxi's Restaurant, 2100 Ingersoll. CO0K-Dinner Must be dependable. Salary open. BABES 417 6th Ave COOK-Full time Day shift. Starting July 26th.

Apply in person to Wilma. ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy. 65 and 1-80 Altoona, lowa COUNTER HELP. Part time. Apply Taco Casa, 2506 Euclid.

COUNTER PERSON Part-time, 4 days. 1 HOUR SUNKIST 5714 Madison 277-0793 Co-Hostess -Host Desire a person who is extra friendly and eniovs doing things for others. Must be free of family obligations. Paid vacation and other good employee benefits. Call for interview appointment, 276-1534.

Mr. Jim Fay BISHOP BUFFET Merle Hay Mall Des Moines, Iowa CREDIT COLLECTION TRAINEE Equipment finance company is looking for a mature individual with a strong desire to move ahead. Prefer some experience, college would be helpful. ITT Industrial Credit Co. 515-276-3409 DAIRY HELP Someone to work on small dairy, able to take charge.

Salary, commission, living quarters, extras. Phone 515-736-4757 eves. DENTAL ASSISTANT Needed immediately. Challenging position in progressive West side Preventive Dental Practice. Enthusiast, versatile Dental Assistant who enjoys working with people.

Good starting salary. CDA or 2 year experience required. Call 276-8572. DICTAPHONE SECRETARY Like variety? Want to work Ankeny area? Excellent benefits. To $8100.

Mary, 244-9156, Acme Personnel. An Empl. Agency. DICTAPHONE: Fantastic bene. and many extras here! A-1 job! $625.

Call Karen Onken 284-6950 Snelling Snelling an emply agcy. DIETARY EVENING SUPERVISOR Working position for cook who has good attendance, takes pride in production and desires to advance to a supervisory position in a leading health care facilitv. E.0.E. MEDICENTER 233 University DINING ROOM HOSTESSES-HOST Immediate full time morning and evening positions available, in one of Des Moines' leading restaurants. Prefer some experience, but will train.

Excellent working conditions and benefits. Apply in person. PEPPERTREE RESTAURANT 3809 109th DISHWASHERS Full time, day shift. Apply in person to Wilma. ADVENTURELAND INN Hwy 65 and 1-80 Altoona, Iowa ENGINEER Excellent opportunity for an individual with a 2nd Class City of Des Moines Engineers License.

Previous experience with an R-12, R- 22 and a low pressure boiler is required. Our excellent salary plan is complemented with outstanding benefits including free life and health insurance. Apply immediately to the Personnel Office. AMERICAN REPUBLIC INSURANCE CO. Phone 245-2000 6th and Keo Way Des Moines, lowa An Affirmative Action Employer JOBS OF INTEREST MEN WOMEN 195 DRIVER -TOW TRUCK Mature Family Person must have top references and character.

Chauffeur license necessary. Pension and Health benefits, 5 nights. OWEN CRIST AUTO BODY SERVICE 1221 Keo ENDORSEMENT CLK Life insurance exp. will be in policy serv. area.

FEE PAID $500. Call Sherry 278-2853 Snelling Snelling Merle Hay. ENGINEERINDUSTRIAL Experience desirable in one or more of the following areas: measurement analysis and procedures layout Excellent fringe benefit program. Please submit resume to: HEATILATOR FIREPLACE R. R.

2 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641 An equal opportunity employer. EXEC SECTY: Immed opening to right person. No SH required! $550 Call Karen Onken 284-6950 Snelling Snelling an emply agcy. EXPERIENCED -SANDER If you qualify contact Jim East vold, 274-4006.

Maaco Auto Painting. 1998 NW 92nd CI. Farm Bureau Insurance 5400 Univ. Ave. WDM.

225-5670 An Equal Opportunity Employer FARM foreman for 1700 acre farm in northern Illinois. Must be experienced in large equipment, grain drying and supervising help. Send references and resume of experience to Richard Upah, Box 127, Ashton, Ill, 61006. FARM HELP Married with farm experience. Good wages, house and utilities furnished, health insurance plan.

Write qualifications and references to Dean Boal, R. 2, Glenwood, la. 51534. Histology Technicians Experienced, ASCP registered or board eligible. Prepare routine surgical blocks in slide, special stains, etc.

Creighton University Apply Personnel Office 2500 California, Omaha, Nebr. An equal opportunity employer Fertilizer Applicator Operator needed with sales ability. Only experienced need apply. Beautiful 4 bedroom farm home available. 5 figure income, plus bonuses with free annual trip.

HUNTER FARMS Scranton, la. 712-652-3757 FINE PART TIME OPPORTUNITY Earnings of over $2.35 per hour, 6-8 hours per week, servicing greeting card and gift wrap departments in a local discount store, available to a responsible housewife living in the area of 1200 SE Army Post Road. Write P.O. Box 410, Taylorville, Illinois 62568. Please include phone number.

FINISH CARPENTERS Experience necessary, immediate openings. 515-236-3494 between 5 and 10 PM. FLIGHT LINE ATTENDANT $3 per hour. Apply in person at lowa Aviation 3333 Army Post Rd. FLORSHEIM SHOE SHOP now seeking full time personnel for our Merle Hay and Valley West Stores.

Excellent opportunity, good fringe benefits. Call 278-2496. FOOD SERVICE Opportunity for aggressive individual to manage established hot lunch program at Christ The King. Mrs Welter, 285-3609. Friday Type Fantastic opportunity for one who enjoys variety, Benefits.

$575 FEE PAID. Call Sheri 225-6562 CAREER PLACEMENTS. and general office. Salary open. Contact Ken Stinson 276-3405 MIDWEST LUMBER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Has opening for recent civil engineering graduate.

Project in Burlington, Iowa. Call 752-2917 from 7-4 or 754-5781 ext. 106 after 5. GENERAL OFFICE Active downtown association needs induvidual to coordinate printing and maling functions. Some typeing required.

Good compensation and benefits no fees. PERSONNEL INC. 2626 Ruan Center 243-7687 GENERAL OFFICE Part time job, requires typing, phone work and general office skills. Phone 265-6189. GUNSMITH Qualified.

Reply Box 942, Des Moines, 50304. HAIR STYLIST HAIR CUTTER Exper. Hansen's, 3613 Merle Hay Rd. 278-5983, 282-9732. HELP WANTED By 8-1-76.

2 hours per night, 10:30 PM to 12:30. Saturday through Thursday nights. Car furnished. Bondable, Send resume and photo Pony Express, P.O. 8.

Box 297, Sioux City, IA. 51102. HOSTESS CASHIER Part time. Apply in person. NATIONAL MOTOR INN 921 6th Ave.

HOST -HOSTESS WAITRESSES--WAITERS BUS HELP Denny's Restaurant Now taking applications. Apply anytime. 278-8076. 4995 MERLE HAY RD OR 266-4682, 2221 EAST EUCLID HOUSEKEEPER Mature person needed to help raise 2 young, well adiusted, school age girls in motherless home. Cooking, light housekeeping and ability to drive required.

Excellent salary, private room, lovely home, and insurance paid. Would consider a couple. References required. Ph. or write: G.

L. Weiner Ph. 712-258-1186 335 Davidson Bldg. Sioux City, la. 51101 HOUSEKEEPING POSITION Full ALTOONA MANOR CARE CENTER, 967-4267.

HOUSE PARENTS Immediate opening for married couple as full time or relief house parents in expanding community residential program for mentally retarded adults. Apartment provided plus hospital insurance and retirement program. Can be compatible with college classes. Inquire at: Exceptional Persons, 2530 University Ave, Waterloo, la. or Phone 319-232-6671.

HOWARD JOHNSON RESTAURANT Now accepting applications for full time Hosts or Hostesses. Benefits include uniform, vacation and medical. APPLY IN PERSON 4800 Merle Hav Rd 278-0324 IF YOU CAN SELL Maurices South Ridge has a challenging part time position for you Varied hours. Call Pat. 287-1133.

Wickes Lumber Wickes, one of the nation's leading lumber retailers is seeking a building materials salesperson. Experience in lumber estimating and building materiol soles will be helpful in obtaining this position. No traveling required. BUILDING MATERIALS SALES We offer excellent wages along with complete Companypoid benefits. There is olso the opportunity for ropid advancement within our expanding organization interested opplicants should apply in person, Wickes Lumber 6485 N.E.

14th Des Moines, lows An Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS OF MEN INTEREST WOMEN 195 INSURANCE RATER (commercial lines) Looking for a position with variety, challenge and advancement opportunity? Experienced Fire and Casually rater, please call 278-3385- Personnel. new office flexible hours free parking Continental Western Insurance 11201 Douglas, D.M. INS. ENDORSEMENT CLERK Mature indiv. with life ins.

telephone work, typ. ALL FEES PAID. $500 Call Maria Thrane, 282-5211 Executive Division. IOWA STATE FAIRRUBBISH REMOVAL Aug, Waste 11 to Services, Sept 2. 1626 Apply Stewart SCA An Equal Opportunity Employer.

PITTSBURG- -DES MOINES STEEL, COMPANY It's Steel Sales. Order desk sales person, experience in related industry preferred. Some college a plus. Immediate opening. Call 243-3261 ext.

323 or ext. 250 for appointment between 9AM and 5PM. An Equal Opportunity Employer JANITORIAL WORK Experienced couples for parttime evening work. Must have own transportation. Apply in person 609 E.

Grand. JANITORIAL Women and men. 3 to 4 hour iobs, office cleaning. Early evening hours. Apply 3:30 to 6 PM.

Artistic Building Maintenance 119 S.E. 3rd KEYPUNCHER, experienced, 6 PM to 2 AM, Monday thru Friday. 245-3102. KEY PUNCH Part time opening for Key Punch graduate. Work Sat.

and Sun. 2nd shift. Every 4th weekend off. for further information Contact Personnel Office IOWA LUTHERAN HOSPITAL KEY PUNCH Tired of fighting the downtown traffic? Why not work at Central Tractor in our conveniently located east side location. The position available would entail operating an IBM 129 on our day shift.

This job offers and equitable staring salary, an attractive raise program, and an excellent benefit program. For personal interview call Dan Stoll, 266-3101. CENTRAL TRACTOR PARTS An Equal 1515 E. Opportunity Euclid, Employer KEY PUNCH (Nights) MANPOWER has an opening for an experienced IBM 3741 key punch operator. Short term assignment 4PM start.

Minimum 1 yr key punch experience required. Call 288-6745 for further information. MANPOWER 517 Fifth Ground Floor LAUNDRY Full time opening with excellent benefits. Sorting and delivery. 5 A.M.

to 1:30 PM. Off Wednesday and Sunday. Apply personnel office. IOWA LUTHERAN HOSPITAL LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT, Full or Part-time. 989-0865 for an interview.

LPN Day shift DOWELL'S PLEASANT HILL MANOR CARE CENTER Call 265-5348 LPN If you have supervisory ability, come join our cooperative staff. We are adding charge positions on 3-11 and 11-7. Please call for an appt. 981-4269. LPN'S Full or part time positions in a rehabilitive long term care facility.

11 PM 7:30 AM shift. E.0.E. Call, 284-1280. MEDICENTER 233 University LPN'S Part-time, day or evening shift. ELM CREST NURSING CENTER 262-9303 or 262-4855 L.P.N.S We are looking for responsible, caring people to give patient care in our 200 bed County Hospital on either the Medical or Surgical Floor.

Straight shift, 3-11. Excellent salary, liberal benefits. Contact Personnel Office. Broadlawns Polk County Hospital 18th, Hickman Des Moines la. An Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINIST Needs to be experienced in job shop lathe and mill work.

Must be dependable and able to work well with other people. Excellent working conditions. Jansen Machine Gear 2021 E. 17th 266-1612. MAID SERVICE WORKER Apply in Person to the Housekeeper HOLIDAY INN MERLE HAY RD MAID WANTED.

Permanent. References. 288-8265. MAINTENANCE PERSON For large apartment complex. Skilled in heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical repair.

Light carpentry experience ferred. Excellent company benefits. Call 288-0846. An equal opportunity employer MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Sales people wanted for Management Training. Thom McAn Shoes will offer you a position with a good future and good starting wages.

If you like advancement and challenges, we are willing to give you the chance. Lets get together at the Thom McAn Shoe Store in Valley West Mall. Part time also needed. An EOE empolver MANAGER Apco Oil Corp, has a good location, with a good income, salary plus related sales, some investment is needed. Apply in person to the Apco office, 2109 E.

Euclid or call Paul Maguire, 262-5619. MANAGER TRAINEE Need aggressive person interested in managing Menswear fashion store. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Must be willing to reiocate. Good salary, liberal company benefits, including profit sharing.

College education and sales experience desired, but not necessary. Call 319-277-1952 or send resume to Mr. Trillin, A.J. August Menswear, College Square Mall, Cedar Falls, IA. 50613.

MANAGER MANAGER Wanted parts department manager and a counterman at established GMC truck dealership. New facility with large parts inventory, liberal pay and fringe benefits. Write X-363 Register and Tri- bune. MANAGER WANTED Successful fast food chain needs a working manager for their snack bar in Valley West Mail. No experience necessary.

Training provided. Call Carousel Snack Bar, 225-6549. An Equal Opportunity Employer I InC. SUPER MART 10320 Hickman Des Moines PLUMBING SALES Experience preferred, but not necessary. Good wages and benefits.

Apply in person JOBS OF MEN INTEREST WOMEN 195 MAINTENANCE PERSON Full time for large apt. complex. Air conditioning experience preferred. Contact Tom Icheison, TRISON MARKET MEAT MANAGER Supermarket, independent, Des Moines location, complete management. Ordering and merchandising, all responsibilities.

Send resume. All replies confidential. Wages open, plus benefits. Only experienced need reply. Register and Tribune, Box L413, Des Moines, la.

50309 MASONRY FOREMEN Qualified. Willing to travel. SEEDORFF MASONRY INC Strawberry Point, IA. Call collect 319-933-2296 MASSEUSES NEEDED 2956 E. University 265-3079 MASSEUSE, MASSEUR Interesting career.

Top pay. Apply in person at 514 S. Federal, Mason City, or call 515-423-8454. MASSEUSES and MASSEURS To work in lowa City. Excellent earnings and working conditions.

Will furnish transportation to lowa City and place to live. Call collect, 319-354-4006. MEAT MERCHANDISER If you consider yourself one of the top Meat Managers of Meal Supervisors and would like to be the Meat sor for an Independent Chain of five Supermarkets; please send your resume to Box A-453 Register and Tribune giving full resume of yourself including past employment. There is also an opportunity with this position to obtain partial ownership of the business. The markets range in size from ($4,000) per week to ($8,000) per week.

MECHANIC Experienced tractor mechanic. Salary open, uniforms and insurance included. Choice of location, Carroll or Onawa, IA. Daytime call 712-792-3724 or after 9PM 712-792-1495. Ask for Wendall.

MECHANIC Immediate opening for 2 mechanics, excellent pay plan and working conditions. Call or write Bill Pritchard, Pritchard Auto Company, Britt, IA. 515-843-3871. MECHANIC Need one journeyman mech, with auto transmission experience, Prefer Chrysler background. This is a permanent position for the right person.

plus insurance, retirement, and the top bonus plan in town. Stew Hansen's Dodge City 2103 Ingersoil 243-8900 MECHANIC Wanted import car mechanic specializing in VW's, must be experienced. 265-7041 or 265-6808 MEDICAL RADIOLOGY TECHNICIAN Immediate opening for Medical Radiology Technician for assignment including 1:30 PM to 10 PM shift. Starting salary $9,946 per yr. with 10 pct.

differential for hours worked after 6 PM. Liberal emplovee worked after 6 PM. Liberal emplovee benefits. Non-discrimination in employment. Apply at Personnel Office.

Veterans Administration Hospital 30th and Euclid Des Moines 50310 MEN'S SUITS Full time. Experience only. Liberal fringe benefits. BRANDEIS Call for app'! 223-2400 An Equal Opportunity Employer MORTGAGE LOAN CLERK Experienced preferred. Good salary and benefits.

Free parking. 283-2341. MOTEL, RESTAURANT LOUNGE PERSONNEL We will be hiring for all phases for a new motel, front desk, maids, waiters, waitress, bartenders, cocktail waitress, kitchen personnel, maintenance, hostess, host. Good starting pay and benefits, Apply in person. QUALITY INN North of Interstate 80 on Merle Hay Road in Johnston.

MOTOR ROUTE RELIABLE adult or teenager to deliver papers on the Eastside in the afternoon. Call Paul Bisanti, 284-8306. NCR OPERATOR NCR exp. will land this variety spot, challange. FEE NEGO 5600.

Call Sherry 278-2853 Snelling Snelling Merle Hay, NEWS REPORTER WANTED For quality N.W. lowa weekly newspaper. Photography necessary. Apply The Democrat, Harvey Pluim publisher. Box 144, Orange City, IA 51041.

NIGHT AUDITOR Top wages, finest benefits in town. Call Pat Calhoun, at 243-5483. NUDE MODELS 243-9936 NUDE MODELS From 11 an-7 pm 274-9259 NURSE AIDES Experienced or certified only. Modern health care facility. Apply Americana Health Care Center 300 Laurel St.

(Across from Mercy) or call 244-0321. NURSE AIDES DOWELL'S PLEASANT HILL MANOR CARE CENTER Call 265-5348 NURSE AIDES All shifts. Full time. Altoona Manor Care Center, 967 4267. NURSE AIDES Full or part time assistants needed for all shifts.

Experienced persons preferred. Apply in person. MEDICENTER 233 University Des Moines, Iowa 50314 An Equal Opportunity Employer Wickes Lumber Wickes, one of the nation's leading lumber retailers is seeking a port time cashier. Experience in retoil cashiering and customer service will be helpful in obtaining this position. Good telephone voice and out going personality necessory.

Saturdays required. PART-TIME CASHIER We offer excellent wages. There is also the opportunity for rapid advancement within our expanding orgoniza: tion. Interested applicants should apply in person. WICKES LUMBER 6485 NE 14th Des Moines, la.

In Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINIST Our company has an immediate opening for a JOURNEYMAN with general machinist experience. Excellent wages, working conditions and company benefits. If qualified, apply Personnel Office, 8th Floor Register and Tribune Building. DES MOINES REGISTER AND TRIBUNE An Equal Opportunity Employer DES MOINES TRIBUNE 25 July 22, 1976 To place a from Want Ad 800-362-1836 284-81411 Cassified JOBS OF INTERESTMEN WOMEN 195 NURSE AIDES Openings for certified and med aides in a newer facility. Good salary and benefits.

3-11 and 11-7. Please call for an appt. 981-4269. NURSES Aide in private home from 8 AM to 8 PM. Salary negotiable, 265-2571 Cottage 1-A.

NURSING ASSISTANTS Full time positions available on all shifts. Must have previous experience or certificate. Contact Director of Nurses al FOUNTAIN WEST HEALTH CARE CENTER, 1501 Office Park Road, West Des Moines, IA. 223-1223. NURSING ASSISTANTS All shifts available.

Experience preferred, but train. WEST PARK CARE CENTER 1211 Vine, W.D.M. 274-9351 Office Clerk Outgoing one with typing and math ability. Out of loop. $475 FEE PAID.

Sheri 225-6562 CAREER PLACEMENTS. OFFICE RECEPTIONIST Needed for 2 or 3 evenings during week and 5 or 6 Hours on Saturday and Sunday. Approximately 25 total hours per week. Must be mature, responsible person, attractive and have a pleasing personalitiy. Typing experience necessary and capable of working with figures.

South side location, Please apply to 0-931 Des Moines Register and Tribune. OPENING SOON TOBER'S SOUTHRIDGE MALL We need mature sales personnel for full or part time positions. Store discount, good benefits, salary commensurate with experience. Call Nancy McComas 515- 278-1288 OPERATOR Drag line work on culvert Gus Construction Inc. 515-746-2229 An Equal Opportunity Employer PAINTER Experienced brush and roller, salary open.

Call 262-7625. PAINTER OR PAPER HANGER RETIRED Looking for extra income? Contact Gerry Qualley at HOLIDAY INN MERLE HAY 5000 MERLE HAY RD PLEASANT PART-TIME WORK? You'll Vote For This Great year- opportunity! IF you want an interesting, chailenging iob, but don't want to work every day, this may be the ideal opportunity for you. Our Classified Advertising Department needs a person to handie Classified Advertising Want Ads called in to us on the teiephone. You will be paid during your one week training program, and then can expect 10 work a couple days a week regularly. It would help it you could be available to substitute during vacations and illnesses of our regular Advisors because occasionally you may be called the morning of the day you are to come to work (much the same as substitute teachers).

You should have at least average typing skills for this daytime iob. Why not work for a good company, enjoy a satisfying and interesting job and make some extra money? For more information call the Employee Relations Department at 284-8006 or apply in person on the 8th Floor of the Register and Tribune Building, DES MOINES REGISTER AND TRIBUNE Equal Opportunity Employer PARTTIME The Register and Tribune i is now interviewing responsible adults interested in supplementing their income by making personal follow-up contacts. Monday thru Friday evening, 4 pm to 8 pm. Call Lester Ose between 9 am to 11 am. 284-8306.

PART-TIME $125 MONTHLY Morning paper route in Highland Park area. Only responsible people need apply. CALL Mr. Don Keller 284-8306 BRAKE AND ALIGNMENT MECHANIC GOOD YEAR Goodyear Service Store has permanent position for experienced brake and alignment mechanic. Ability to sell service needs to customer is essential.

Goodyear benefits include paid vacations, free hospitalization and insurance, plus pension program. To apply, send letter giving experience and telephone number, or phone Mr. Dave McKenzy Store Manager (515) 283-0611 All information kept confidential. Interview will be arranged at your convenience. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 817 Locust St.

Des Moines, IA 50309 An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2025)


What is the biggest newspaper in Iowa? ›

Top 10 Iowa Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. Des Moines Register. ...
  2. Quad City Times. ...
  3. Cedar Rapids Gazette. ...
  4. Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier. ...
  5. Sioux City Journal. ...
  6. Davenport Dispatch. ...
  7. Dubuque Telegraph Herald. ...
  8. Hawk Eye.

Is Des Moines a great place to live? ›

The short answer: Yes! Moving to Des Moines, Iowa, will change your life. Des Moines is a great place to grow your career, and there are so many fun things to do in Des Moines. Des Moines is full of exciting, vibrant communities, and it's one of the top places with low cost of living in the country.

Is Des Moines a good place to retire? ›

AARP scored the Downtown Des Moines neighborhood at a whopping 68, putting it 16 points higher than the average neighborhood on its overall livability for older Iowans. This score is also higher than that of many surrounding Midwestern cities, with Kansas City at 55, Chicago at 56 and Omaha at 57.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Des Moines Register? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in The Des Moines Register cost? Placing an obituary in The Des Moines Register starts at $95.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

What is the oldest newspaper in Iowa? ›

In June of 1839, Edwards relocated to Burlington to bring some head-to-head competition to Clarke – renaming his paper, in the fall of 1839 – The Burlington Hawk-eye. Click here to read more about that story. Today, The Hawk-eye is still in publication, billing itself as “Iowa's oldest newspaper.”

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

Where to avoid in Des Moines? ›

Here are the 10 worst neighborhoods in Des Moines according to data:
  • Capitol East.
  • New Vision.
  • Capitol View South.
  • Cheatom Park.
  • Somerset.
  • River Bend.
  • Kirkwood Glen.
  • Mondamin Presidentia.
Nov 4, 2022

What is the richest suburb of Des Moines? ›

North of Grand. With a median home price of $2,128,662 and a median rent of $831, North of Grand is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in North of Grand over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Des Moines.

What is the safest side of Des Moines? ›

The crime rate in the Des Moines neighborhood of East Village is 58 percent safer than other cities in Iowa, and the cost of living is 14 percent lower than the national average. For residents, many of the old buildings downtown have been transformed into lofts and apartments.

Where do the most seniors live in Iowa? ›

  • Fort Madison. ...
  • Keokuk. ...
  • Burlington. ...
  • Fort Dodge. Percentage of the Population Over 65: 19% ...
  • Marshalltown. Percentage of the Population Over 65: 17% ...
  • Oskaloosa. Percentage of the Population Over 65: 20% ...
  • Muscatine. Percentage of the Population Over 65: 15% ...
  • Clinton. Percentage of the Population Over 65: 20%

What state is best for senior to retire? ›

Delaware beat out West Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and Missouri to top Bankrate's best states to retire list for 2024.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options. Publishing an online obituary costs between $50 and $100 and allows for more opportunities to share it through email and social media.

How do you find a person who passed away? ›

  1. Start an Online Search. Arguably the best way to find out whether or not someone you know has passed is to begin an online search. ...
  2. Check Social Media. ...
  3. Use Word of Mouth. ...
  4. Read The Paper or Watch The Local News. ...
  5. Go To An Archive Facility. ...
  6. Review Government Records.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the big newspaper called? ›

Most of the broadsheets, so called because of their historically larger size, have changed in recent years to a compact format, the same size as the tabloids.

What is Iowa best known for? ›

Iowa ranks first in beef, pork, corn, soybean and grain production. One Iowa family farm grows enough food and fiber to feed 279 people. The world's first electronic digital computer was built and operated by researchers at Iowa State University in the 1930's.

What is the name of the newspaper in Cedar Rapids Iowa? ›

The Gazette is a daily print newspaper and online news source published in the American city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.